Sunday, May 30, 2004
Sigh...went for 06/01 bbq yesterday...dunno why did I agree to go in the first place man. I feel so left out there...I mean, I'd juz been wif that clas for one yr...and it's not lyk I'm close to the whole class. I'm onli close to Dulcia they in I nv realli talked to the guys even lor. And I'm totally diff frequency wif the rest of the gers...(Ziyun they all). It's onli den when I realised I realli miss 27/02. Yes...EVEN the lamer guys frm 27/02. Den I msged Jo to tell her I realli miss dem so we meeting up on wed! So excited! Wonder when to organize a 27/02 outing...Anw, below's a foto i took wif Dulcia yesterday at the bbq...

Anw...I din feel gd yesterday also cos of the HP and JF thing. Not that I'm unhappy they got together after JF broke up wif our dear Angeline, they deserve each other, equallu detestful. Juz dat they were lyk publicly showing the whole world they're a couple. I realli take my hat off HP...she was the one who was relentless on the pursuit of JF, she snapped at the first opportunity once JF and Angel broke up. I swear never ever to go to any 06/01 gatherings again...they make mi sick. Luckily Angel in Australia...complicated relationships btw a circles of frens is always veri delicate. *shakes head*
* xuan * listened
@ |5/30/2004 09:05:00 PM|
Friday, May 28, 2004
Went back sch to relief today...was quite slack cos they have post-exam programmes so "wasted" quite a few periods. Then went to meet Dulcia and Sher for shopping and dinner. Haha..I tink I'm simply incorrigible. Bought a top frm Urban & Co, a spaghetti top frm Future State and lastly, a halter frm Far East. I dunno wad came over mi today, cos those tops I bought quite erm...u I was telling them I buy liao scared dun dare to wear. Actually tried this REALLI glam dress frm Shibuya (aft discount $30), but was hesitating cos dunno when will have chance to wear it. Then Sher had to realli psycho mi to dun be so impulsive before I finally put it back on the rack. Told Sher the next time I go out, the onli thing I'll bring along wif mi is my ezlink card. Nothing else...POSB card is EVIL!!! Pple have fasting season where they dun eat...I shall have a fasting period fasting. I deserve to be punished severely. And wad the hell...Great Singapore Sale starting tmr! Slap myself man!
Anw, a veri good news to all my frenz out there...I finally sorted out my confusions. I'm accepting FASS. Yar..after consulting frens frm both Sci fac as well as Fass, and also having a good talk wif my parents. I tink it's the best choice liao. Den I've so many frens in FASS, they can help mi alot lor, as in giving mi advice on wad modules to take and stuff...den I've also alot of frens gg FASS (Xin, Jes, Dee, Yiru etc...), can study together. And I heard FASS is the easiest to do lor. So I shall work hard...Thank u eveybody who were worried for mi the past few all of u...*MuAkZz* =)
Anw the foto at the right panel is taken today at Wisma, the cute little kids are Dulcia's baby cousins. She let mi have the honour of posing wif them...(see the little one I'm carrying? He realised the one carrying him his not his mother den gg to cry liao) Anw...dun I look so damn motherly!? "qian tu"....
* xuan * listened
@ |5/28/2004 12:51:00 AM|
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Was juz slacking arnd in the staffroom...cos Min and Jes went for contact time liao...leaving mi here alone to while away time, cos meeting Dulcia onli at 3.30pm. Then read everyone's diz soul quiz frm Wenfang's blog:

You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what
you do best. You collected thoughts and always
positive attitude make you very bright and
logical. When theres a problem, you know how to
approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on
you on their problems, and your shoulder for
their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy
nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and
hardly scream, which makes you good with kids.
You seem to be in tune with the world and if
anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
Which is quite true...but instead of being a calm soul, I feel that it's more lyk a LAZY soul. Cos too lazy liao...seem lyk CALM. mi, I'm so bored!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |5/27/2004 02:40:00 PM|
Haiz...had a terrible long dat today. Went down to support juniors early in the morning. Gers and guys team both playing 3rd-4th position. Guys playing AC and gers playing TJ. Wah damn sian we lost TJ straight 3-0, so diz yr got 4th again. Then we went over to support the guys. It's was a DAMN exciting match lor...tink all of us were lyk shouting till our voice go hoarse liao. We won AC in the preliminary rounds so tot we could win. The first singles was a damn close fight but we lost to their first singles. Play till 3rd set lor...power. Then the 2nd singles is this J1 junior la...he DAMN pro lor! Wah...we were screaming for him lyk an idol liddat...his every shot damn power and pro lor! Got a few shots he even bend over so much he lyk doing Matrix stunt, Kangwei (mei nu) even said "did u see dat? He was horizontal for a moment" Damn comical man dat woman! Anw he won that match la...damn exciting man. But too bad our last singles lost...sigh, in the end we lost to AC 2-3. Nvm...frm the looks of yr guys team will be DAMN strong...GO AJ~!!!
Anw after dat we went West Mall la...wah, we had a great time shopping man! (And spending alot of money =(...) Mian, Shuying and me all bought a bag. The one i bought damn chio lor...cream colour chio. But dun tink I can bring to sch tmr cos not matching wif the black dress i bought today! Oh ya...yvonne called mi juz now in the evening and asked mi to relief for tmr and fri. Hehe...i got income again! Then walked past Urban & Co. juz now but no time to go in. They having big sale! Then since meeting Dulcia they all tmr eveining for dinner, so I meeting Dulcia earlier to go shopping! I'm horrible!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |5/27/2004 12:23:00 AM|
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Juz came back not long ago frm dinner at Harbourfront Sakae sushi buffet wif Min, Xin and Jes. Had a wonderful time! (Ok...when had any outings wif frens not been wonderful??) We were practically laughing and playing a fool there lyk nobody's business liddat. Then we also counted our plates...which amounts to abt 48 plates altogether. Not the ultimate yet...we will improve on it again! YeAh~!!! We're the gluttons man! Anw we were haveing so much fun taking fotos, we took alot of funny poses. Lyk one where we took "BIG EYES", which turn out quite ok for Min and Jes, but damn horrible for mi and Xin, cos our eyes are big in the first place, even bigger...and it's horrible! So shall not put it here. We were also on the topic of fat cheeks, thanx to dear Xinyi...complaining abt hers. So we decided to take one of our cheeks sucked in...(see foto)

And below's a foto of us nice and pretty! The 4 pretty teachers...hehe...sounds so nice...hahahaha.....

Anw after sakae we went shopping la. OH...onto the topic of shopping, I shall start frm before we met up. I met Min first in the afternoon. We went CK buy sunglasses! Was quite interesting la...trying pair after pair. Finally I settled for a quite light one...while Min bought a darker shade one. (See foto at the side panel, inclusive of Xin who brings her sunglasses everywhere she goes...the sunglasses babes...haha)
Aft Tangs, Min made mi go to "The House Of Condoms" wif her. Seriously I tink she's mad la...she's buying sumthing frm there for her student as a birthday present. Ok...her student may be sec 4, but a teacher buying a student condoms is juz so....aaargh. As for this aspect, Min...dun tell pple I noe u hor... =)
Then after dinner mi, Min and Xin were walking arnd Harbourfront Mall..but not much to look at lar, cos shops closing liao. But I went to Reds, and bought a veri nice that can hide ur tummy VERI WELL! Haha...but it's $36...usually I wun bear to spend so much on a simple top...dunno wad's wrong wif mi today. Then Xin bought this pink sweet top frm there too. Haha...according to's double dose of sweetness. *shudders* Hahahaha!
Will miss u guys when holiday comes...we muz keep in touch even after sch ends k? It's realli great knowing u pple. I mean, it's not easy for 4 pple of similar characters to come together and become acquainted wif each juz a few months time, through a part-time job. Even shopping together can be so fun! Usually shopping wif 4 pple is not such a good idea cos there may be clash of tastes and stuff. Hehe...Keep in touch k? We shall have more of such gatherings...Love Ya~! =)
* xuan * listened
@ |5/25/2004 11:39:00 PM|
Did a care bear test...quite cute...
My results...
See what Care Bear you are.
* xuan * listened
@ |5/25/2004 12:07:00 PM|
Monday, May 24, 2004
It's the end of the world for me
Xinyi juz told mi posting for NUS is out already and asked mi to go check online. Guess wad...I got admitted into FASS. Which is lyk...wad the hell!? I go FASS I'll juz be retained year after year I tell u. Ask mi to write an essay I'll write a summary for u. I wan to go into Science Fac!!! The world is collapsing, the sky is crashing down on mi...OH MY GAWD......*FAINTS*
* xuan * listened
@ |5/24/2004 11:31:00 PM|
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Got this frm a mail Jo sent's a realli cute quiz...go try it. I'm TWEETY!
"~~You are Tweety!
You are cute, and everyone loves you.
You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of backstabbers, and you are worry free.~~"
( Not dat accurate sum ways. Firstly, I'm not cute, but everyone loves mi!! Haha..bhb. Life is NOT a breeze...when is it ever?? I'm not witty and not calm. *OOPS* Liddat almost the whole analysis is wrong! HEY...I'm not supposed to be tweety den!!! )
* xuan * listened
@ |5/23/2004 11:37:00 PM|
Friday, May 21, 2004
I was so scared of being called up for relief this morning, I hung up my house fone last nite. But sumthing inside of mi knew dat I'll be hearing Yvonne's voice early in the morn tmr, and I'm rite. She called my hp asking mi down to relief. Ok, now it's $65 vs a whole afternoon of karaoke. I chose the latter...told her I'm not free today. Am I mad or wad? No...but at least I enjoyed myself thoroughly. If I'd chosen the former, yes I get paid to juz sit there, but I'll hafta risk my sense of hearing for 5.5 hrs. But I seriously hope Yvonne will choose sum better days to get mi down la...always on the wrong days lor...
So...I went to sing wif my AJ team, Jing Mian, Shuying, Seok and Yiru. We sang non-stop for 7 hours straight. Call us the queens man!!! We had a SUPER great time and there was diz time when all of us were realli HIGH..damn cool. Ok, there was this time when Seok was singing "My heart will go on". So wad happened was, I stood beside the screen wif Mian, doing the "I'm flying, I'm flying action while Shuying was getting ready to snap the classic moment. THEN, those busybody waiters happened to walk past and looked in. We were DAMN embarrassed lor! Then juz burst out laughing din manage to get the shot. Aft dat many more waiters/waitresses keep walking past, muz be that nosey parker go tell the rest and they're trying their luck to see if they can catch us once more in a stupid act. ~IdiOt~ Then later, when we're starting to get quite high, Mian and me sang Xu Ru Yun's "Lei Hai". When it came to the chorus we were lyk facing each other and put in all our emotions as if singing to each other...I've a picture to show it:

Picture is kind of dark...Mian's the one on the left, I'm on the right
Den later Yiru came at arnd 3. Wah diz ger best man...come not long onli got a waitress come in to ask if her fellow waiter can get to noe Yiru, all of us were lyk "BU KE YI!" Haha...chiobu is liddat one. Wonder wad Fabian will say if he hears of it man...haha!~ Oh yar, nearly forgot to say abt our hokkien songs. Which KTV session is complete without singing a few hokkien songs!? It's so nice to sing one of the hokkien songs, which when translated to english, is called "A little umbrella". I started singing dat song when I was a little little kid lor! Felt lyk time was turning back when I went through every single time flies!~~Oh yar, also there was diz song when Seok was singing, den Mian decided to act lyk a crazy fan, took "flowers (3 sticks of wet tissue)" to give her "idol"...she looked damn cute!

We had a AWESOME time la seriously...glad I din make the wrong decision to give up $65. Stayed up veri late last nite to "renovate" my blog, by adding things here and there. Now dat I noe how to add fotos onto my blog...hiak hiak hiakz...there's no stopping me!!! Also, the little portion at the side panel on "Food for Thought"? I chanced upon it last nite...that website has to coolest and most debatable questions. Thus I decided to add it in too, for my frenz as well as myself to ponder upon...and if there's nothing interesting to update abt, I shall comment on the question posted...and I'll also lyk to hear of my dearest frens' comments on the questions too, cos I tink those questions are juz so cool...
(Also, cos today I tied up my hair in a bun the way Jes taught mi, so when I reached home and let my hair down, it was SO curly, with BIG curls. I liked it so much I had to ask my bro to take a foto of mi in curly hair before gg to bathe. See foto on the right panel...)
* xuan * listened
@ |5/21/2004 10:56:00 PM|
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Went out wif the SBCA today. Everyone's pretty the same except for the sudden common interest in mini least for mi, Sher and Wenfang la. Had a great time at Sakae today, gorging ourself wif food so as to eat our money worth of sushi buffet. I seem to have this sushi craze going on, wif almost all my gatherings wif frens spent staring at the conveyer belt. And next week most prob meeting the Coolcrunch, which means it's sushi buffet again. It'll be a huge miracle if I dun grow fatter man...Wendy and Dulcia had to leave at 6 for I was left wif Sher and Wenfang. We actually went into Conrad Hotel. The ambience there was WOOH~! When we stepped in, firstly the lobby looks veri grand, den secondly, the pianist was playing "Yesterday Once More" on the piano. While we were walking up the spiral staircase, I was telling them imagine u're here wif ur bf...oh my'll be DAMN romantic I tell u...Anw we were mad la, went into the hotel toilet to explore. The toilet is even nicer, neater and more comfy than any of our houses man! I can juz sleep in there! So mi and Sher were taking fotos IN the toilet, sitting beside the sink. (U can see frm the foto on the right...yeah, that's mi, sitting beside the sink) But din buy anything frm shopping...quite sick of spending money actually. Had to listen to Wenfang's dilenma on whether to accept this guy, as well as listen to how blissful Sher is wif David. Sigh...why am I always the one giving advice to such problems...but cant even overcome my own heart problem? I'm so good at helping others...but who can help mi???

~Taken at Suntec~
* xuan * listened
@ |5/20/2004 11:24:00 PM|
Went home at 11+ last nite, so onli blogging now. I had a bloody long day yesterday, & when I say long, I mean REALLI LONG!
Firstly, NVSS called mi up early in the morning for relief. At first I refused to go pick up the phone, cos' going to watch match in the afternoon; but after persuation from my mum, I finally dragged myself out of dreamland. Ok, then when I rushed down, saw whom I'm relieving, I shrieked in the staffroom. I'm relieving Julie, 2N1's form teacher...will be seeing them first 2 periods. Haha...if onli I could record down Jonathan's expression when he saw mi walking to their class. It was hilarious man! Then Daniel came out aft Jonathan told him, then I gave them such a WIDE grin man. But seriously la, I dun miss teaching them. The usual running out of class, pple fighting, attention seekers etc. made mi realise how wonderful are my idling days...shit, took them for granted all along! Then later I went to 1T1, where I actually went out of class after 3 gers who walked out without permission. Happened that Limei and co. saw my shouting at those gers. Then during recess, Limei, James and a few others came to look for mi, ask is it true that blah blah frm 1T1 scolded mi. Before I could say anything, James told the rest in chinese,"wah lau, scold Ms Fong, we go scold her." I felt lyk I was some gangleader or something...
Then right after sch ended, I rushed out to hail a cab. While waiting, I heard a few loud voices from the 3rd floor staircase shouting,"Ms Fong!" I turned & squinted my eyes against the sun, can't figure who, but frm the voices, I guessed it was Daniel Edwin they all. Then they shouted,"Ms Fong, I passed my science leh!!!" (Sounded lyk my dear Daniel) Then I saw 2 hands sticking out from the shutters," I got 50 and a half!" Then tried to use sign language to show a "5" & "0". Oh my god, I simply adore my darlings man. They're SO CUTE!
Anw, cos' of relief teaching, I reached Tampines Sports Hall at abt 2.40pm. Bloody hell...Kangwei and Dacia's match juz ended. They lost. I was so sianz man...go down to watch their match and they finished playing before I came. time I hope the sch will not call mi up on the wrong days (which happens to be always the case). Anw we lost to TJ, so next match playing RJ in semi-finals. *Gulp* From the looks of it, we'll be fighting for 3rd-4th position again. Sigh...
Then my mum brought us to watch movie at nite. LISTEN UP...those who haven caught "Van Helsing", for goodness sake do urself the favour and go watch it before it ends. It's a damn cool show with marvellous special & sound effects. Not forgetting the so pretty Kate Beckinsale. She's the only Hollywood actress whom I tink is realli pretty and has X-factor. Thumbs up for it!
* xuan * listened
@ |5/20/2004 12:54:00 PM|
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Sigh...wad a hectic week. I happily agreed to every invitation to meet up wif frenz until a pt of time when I realised I have 2 or 3 appointments on the same day! Shucks!!! Then I had to slowly turn down a few, which made mi feel veri bad. First, I told Gwen, YY and TP that tue's lunch gotta be cancelled cos I hafta bring my bro down to Chinese High. Next, I simply HAD to turn down gathering wif Tab, Di-Di and Bunny cos I hata go down Tampines Sports Hall to support my juniors, who're playing against TJ tmr. I felt quite bad abt this cos we agreed on the meeting last week. Lastly, I had to turn down thur's badminton session wif William and co. Cos I'm meeting my JC frenz, and it's veri veri seldom when all of us are able to make it. So sorry William... =( I shall make sure such a thing wun happen again, by writing all my programmes down, so there wun be a case of overlapping!
Ok...let's see when was the last time I pick up my precious needle? Man....dat was LONG AGO! Haha, den cos of my recent retrenchment, I got so bored at home I took it out again...and finally after many days of hard work, I finally finished my beautiful works of art! I'm SO proud of myself...letting it dry at one side now. =)
Anw...Angie msged mi to tell mi dat Isetan is having a great Mid-yr sale now. And she's rite! I bought a new pair of white heels frm there...Fellow shopaholics, go check it out! I wore it out today...den when I came home and place it together wif my other heels at the balcony, I got a rude awakening. It was a SCARY sight...REALLY! Here's how it looked lyk: 3 pairs of white heels, (1 of which is the one worn at prom), 1 pair of silver heels, 1 pair of black heels, 2 pair of black flats...laid out all over the balcony floor. I better start tinking of a hiding place for them before my mother starts realising there's no standing space at the balcony....
* xuan * listened
@ |5/18/2004 11:16:00 PM|
Sunday, May 16, 2004
~~**ViCToRy**~~ AGAIN! For the 4th consecutive year...AJ has been AC's nemesis, no dount abt dat. Went down today to support the crucial match whereby the winner enters top 4 and the loser packs up and go home. And we won! So proud of my juniors!!! Esp Kangwei and Dacia's match...they play lyk winners man!~ WoOoO~!!! Sigh...sorry AC, u gotta give way to us again. Even our guys team this yr did SURPRISINGLY well, by beating AC boys! Which is lyk so DUH cos AC boys is lyk WOW~ apparently AJ guys are even more WOW...Hahaha!!! Hopefully they can get into top 2 this yr!!! AJ ROX~!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |5/16/2004 12:54:00 AM|
Friday, May 14, 2004
Had quite a happening day today man...went bowling wof my darlings! I miss dem so much!!! Then when they first saw mi at the station, Angela was lyk..."Ms Fong I miss u SO MUCH! Hug Hug!" Then she realli wanted to hug mi man...scary. Haha. Then we went to for sakae sushi....Michael's treat! Haha!!!
Then went for bowling. Wah kaoz...I hurt my wrist lor...but wad's new, I always hurt my hand when I bowl. But had fun la seriously. Dunno how cum I anyhow throw one also can get highest...maybe those in my lane all lousy lousy one. Then yesterday online alot of dem cum complain to mi my sci paper veri difficult, den i tot...die liao...they're gg to do v badly. Then I asked my darling Edwin how's the paper...he say it's ok! Den he so cute...tell mi for a 2 mark qn he wrote so long (den use his fingers to show mi the length). So cute!
Then later we went Hougang Sports Hall to play badminton. (Me, William, Michael and Rashidin) Played non-stop for 3 hrs leh! William's totally mad...lyk clockwork liddat...keep saying continue "NEXT GAME!!!" Siao! But felt veri shiok after dat la..lyk almost as if I lost weight aft that session! But...put back once I reached home la. Then cos Michael gave us a lift home mah...den in the car William suddenly started singing. I was quite shocked cos he sings quite well! Den he told mi he was frm choir one (!?!) Then suddenly both of us lyk mad liddat...I was telling him I love oldies. Den we started to tink of those nice oldies den started singing! So we say one of these days MUST go KTV. So Minyu, Xinyi and Jeslyn...if u're reading diz...u noe dat u're booked. No Excuses...I DUN CARE. =)
* xuan * listened
@ |5/14/2004 10:17:00 PM|
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Thought Of The Day
Being so bored at home, I went to the library to try my luck, & true enough, I managed to borrow the newest book of my fav author! It's a book of short stories of different pple, whose relationships are all interlinked. After 2 chapters, the first frm the perception of the ger and the 2nd frm the perception of the guy, it set me thinking again...
The ger helps out in a book rental store with her grandmother, and every 2 days without fail, this guy who's relief teaching at the sch opposite, will come in to patronize..whether it is to loan new books or to return the old books. Even though he comes in every 2 days for all of 3 months, they never talked...only acknowledged the other person's presence. One day, when X'mas is approaching, he asked her if they sell X'mas cards, she checked and told him they'd ran out of it, and to come back tmr. When she went home, she opened a box of cards frm the new stock, and took out a card. On it, she wrote a simple note on one of the cards, to tell him that she had been noticing him arnd. He bought the set of cards the next day.
When sch reopened, he didn't come to patronize anymore, which made her wonder if her note had turned him away. Until one day when she met up with her old fren, who brought her bf along...which is him. (Dun ask how come it's so coincidental, it's a NOVEL) She felt so awkward, she left halfway.
3 yrs later, he came into the shop again. He told her he's not doing relief teaching anymore, but being a permanent teacher now. She juz nodded.Then at that instant, her present bf came in. That guy was very disappointed and left, leaving her asking why is it that time and chance is playing a fool on her? Last time when she's single, he's attached. Now he's single, and came back especially to look for her, and she's attached. And deep down she knew, that the feelings she had for her present bf, is not as much as what she had for him, there is juz this attraction between them that cannot be explained.
The last time he came into the bookshop, he told her he only started sending X'mas cards diz yr, which means that he only saw her note this yr, 3 yrs down the road. What if he's seen it 3 yrs ago...would things have been different?
Many times, we like someone, but do not dare to let him/her noe. Why? The fear of rejection, & the awkwardness if we're to still see each other. But like the story above, there're many a times when both parties have feelings for each other but do not dare to express it, or maybe, waiting for the other party to initiate it. And usually, we end up waiting and waiting and decided to settle for someone else who comes along. And if fates wants to make a fool of you, you'll meet that special someone again few years down the road, only to find out that he/she did have a mutual attraction for you at that time. But isn't it all too late?
I'd waited for quite some time already, and I dunno if it's worth it. I'll juz kill myself if many years down the road, I find out that he did like me before. If that's the case, I rather he never liked me...seriously. There's a quote which I'd kept in my phone for quite some time now..juz to remind mi of the possibilities.
~*"It's a shame when an older man and woman see each other at a high sch reunion and confesses, decades too late, that they both had secret feelings for each other"*~
* xuan * listened
@ |5/13/2004 11:34:00 AM|
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Another great fact, I'd a WONDERFUL time! Missed Min, Xin and Jes so much i guess. Went shopping wif them today after sch ended...altho we din shop for VERI long, but it was really fun. I mean, how often can you find 4 pple shopping together AND have fun altogether, without any one person feeling bored or left out? I always thought that 2 is the max anyone should go, to shop happily and of cos, to avoid clash of tastes. It's realli bad to shop with sumone that has a conflict of style with you...believe mi, I'd tried it before, and it's realli dampening to both parties. Thank goodness, sumhow the 4 of us can shop in peace, have so much fun that I wished we could've shopped longer! (Blame the busy hafta go for rehearsal, another for tuition, and the last, to celebrate bday wif family) Anw, the 4 of us spent a total of $200+ (or issit $300+) juz in U2! And it's after 50% discount cos of Jeslyn's discount voucher! Spendthrifts...spendthrifts.....
Anw, finally I met a "shifu" who can successfully impart the skills of bunning the hair to me! And I finally can do it up nicely! (Ok, not THAT nicely cos my hair's layered, which means there's alot of stray ends sticking out) Anw...Jes has promised that the next shopping trip we have we'll go look for hair accessories! Sorrie'll hafta tahan a bit... =(
Another thing I'm SO excited abt...Jes suggested a trip overseas together! I'd checked with my mum, I'll be free the last week of June! Hopefully they'll allow mi to'll be SO fun! I can't wait!!!
Lastly...(sadly)...I'd surrendered my remaining bars of chocolates to them, (wadever they wan to do wif it, I dun care). I figured if they're to continue lying arnd the house, I'll REALLY balloon to twice my size in no the disgusting outbreak of pimples!!! *shudders*...
* xuan * listened
@ |5/12/2004 12:50:00 AM|
Monday, May 10, 2004
Thought Of The Day
I hate partings & sorroww...why is it that life has to be full of them? I was watching this HK drama serial, when there's this scene where a patient is dying on the hospital bed. The usual touching scene where he'll say his parting words to his granddaughter, together they'll reminisce abt the past etc. And that, is enough to make me wet my face thoroughly. Why do we need to have partings in life? Why is it that relationships end up in break-ups? Why is it that students have to graduate one day and part with the school, & their teachers? Why is it that your loved ones will die someday? Why is it that all good things have to come to an end someday?
I hate partings...they never fail to make me cry. But it's because of all these painful experiences that makes us emerge a stronger person. I don't think I can ever accept partings gracefully, I'm just too emotional. But we can all learn to treasure the people arnd us now, rather than to regret no doing so when the time comes to part. Isn't that always the case??? I hope one day, I can accept that partings is inevitable in life, & learn to face it even more bravely.
* xuan * listened
@ |5/10/2004 11:51:00 AM|
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Xinyi, photos are up! My last day of sch one...enjoy!~ (it's under the NVSS one)
* xuan * listened
@ |5/08/2004 02:16:00 PM|
Friday, May 07, 2004 I noe wad it feels to have ur com hang when u juz finished blogging...and the WHOLE entry is gone! I shall "ren"...tolerance is a virtue. If I cant "ren"...I'd have smashed this whole damn computer. Ok, to recall wad I've type juz now...before the whole damn thing shut down...
I din blog yesterday cos I was caught up in a new interest...Online Shopping! It's juz so cool and convenient, without having to dress up (I'm in my pyjamas) as well as to squeeze in the train with pple. And I recently found a few local online stores, which sells clothes and accessories at veri reasonable and affordable prices! Ok sorrie...too caught up in my latest online shopping fetish.
Yesterday I went for the tuition coordinator job interview with Tab. Firstly, that office is located in sum ulu-pandan place, which even the stupid taxi-driver have problems searching for it. And then when we reached there, there is only 2 pple in the office (which actually, is juz one small room)! Then the person-in-charge talking to us looks lyk a baddie, it's written all over his face! It's a hoax!!! We were made to put down $14 deposit for the training session on Mon. I've a bad feeling when we go there on Mon, the pple arnd will tell us that sorry, this company has closed down due to bankruptcy. But we'll juz hafta go down and take a look la, hopefully my 6th sense is wrong. Bye bye $14...
Aft that damn interview, I went down to town with Tab. I bought a new handbag!!! It's so nice and sweet looking...and at $15! Bought it frm Style Elements from the Heerens. I mean, how many time do u actually come across such a wonderful bargain!?! When I saw the bag, I fell in love with it, den when I saw the price tag, I immediately went to the cashier and paid for it. Haha...Dun worry Xinyi...I'm always available to go shopping with u. (Provided the tuition agency things is NOT a hoax...pray hard!)
Anw we went to Crepes and Cream, and I downed 3 scoops of ice-cream! Call mi the Queen!!! Hahahaa...I guess that's all dat happened yesterday...shall go continue my online shopping...
* xuan * listened
@ |5/07/2004 01:15:00 PM|
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
WoOoOo~! Had a GREAT time today wif Tab and Di-Di! We took SO many fotos...den all turn out to be so nice! Ok...first we went for our sushi buffet la...I made a GREAT improvement, by downing 10 plates!! (Or is it 11) Ok, den plus 2 portions of dessert, which makes it 12 plates! Ate till I nearly vomit man...but shiok la. =). Then I bought a nice sweet white top frm MANGO nice! Even Tab and Di-Di said so! Shall wear it for job interview tmr...but tink better go iron it first. Then I also bought a new pair of white heels from Charles and Keith! So chio!! Shall wear it tmr oso...altho it may probably kill me la. But wad the hell...I'll be rotting at home for the rest of the days anw...mite as well look nice when I got chance to go out.
Anw was so bored when I reached home juz now I went to tidy up all my earrings in a mess...and I made a shocking discovery...I can jolly well rent a push-cart stall sell accessories! I've 8 necklaces, 4 chokers, 3 pairs of 10cm or longer dangling earrings, 24 pairs of the usual dangling earrings and 13 pairs of stud earrings. Am I mad or wad??? And the number is not stopping here lor... I'm mad. Aiya sian...tink I shall go re-paint my toe-nails another colour after I log off...the present green lyk veri diff to match clothes liddat. Anw...hopefully Tab and I can get pass the interview tmr...den I can start spending money again!!! Cross my fingers!
Anw...too late to upload the fotos taken today now...tink will do it tmr...anw to Jo, Mel, Cryst and Dee...fotos are up! But to Xinyi and Minyu...sorrie ar...fotos still not up....soon soon....I promise. Hehe... =)
* xuan * listened
@ |5/05/2004 11:37:00 PM|
Waiting waiting...meeting Tab and Di-Di at 1.30pm..Supposedly to shop AND bio guys la. But wif my present state, the amt of chocolates and heaty stuff I ate yesterday...causing the sudden outbreak...I wonder who'll look at mi (!?!). Nvm...they look at the other 2 lovely ladies can liao...I shall concentrate on savouring my plates and plates of sushi. *YUMMY* Tink I better go get ready...later late Tab will murder mi... =)
* xuan * listened
@ |5/05/2004 12:06:00 PM|
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
So damn sian today...firstly, I woke up at 11am, all dreamy and blur. Then started to walk arnd my house lyk a zombie...walk walk walk...plonk on my parents' bed. Reached for the nearest tv control den start watch sum drama serial on scv, which in the first place, I dun even follow. Then at 12 plus 1, I went to cook maggi mee for an EGG (finally). Then ate the leftovers of the durian cake frm last nite. Then I went online at 2 plus...saw my Edwin and Jonathan den was chatting wif dem. Chat till 4 plus, my eyes gg to pop out liao. So I went off to Rivervale Mall NTUC...bought one whole bag of...titbits!!! Chocolates, sweets, cuttlefish...u name it, I bought it! I cant believe diz...I'm going to balloon to twice my size veri veri soon.
Luckily Tab asked mi out tmr...or else I can juz imagine the, in my pyjamas even at 2 in the afternoon, sitting in from of the TV (or com), and munching non-stop on my goodie....*SHUDDERS*
* xuan * listened
@ |5/04/2004 10:54:00 PM|
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Came home veri late last cant blog. Alot of things happened la...happy things first, follwed by sad. I shall start wif the happy one first. I went Escape theme park wif a few of my students, Daniel, James, Jonathan, Alex, Kim Wee, Jasmine and Sharon. We actually had a great time in realli fun. We sat on all the rides, alot of times. Den at one pt of time, Daniel got quite sick...after the revolution ride he nearly threw funny. Then at the viking, the usually "act-macho" pple, James, Daniel and Joanthan, went to sit at the centre row, while the rest of us sit at the ends. Then after u see dem lyk totally half-dead...damn funny. Then I was telling the gers now they noe wad to shoot at dem in class, when they try to act big and macho. Haha...their weakness. Den when we queuing up for the "wet and wild" ride, got a bunch of "ang-mo kids" behind. They were saying they sat on the Revolution ride for 4 times liao...den I pat Daniel's back, he whispered to mi in a veri "paiseh" voice...say "why they so brave one ar??" I laughed out loud lor! Those ang-mo kids are at most 10 yr olds lor! Daniel is damn cute man...Den when we sat the Panasonic ride, I was so tired by den I was sleeping on the car whil waiting for it to start lor. Imagine, sleeping on a rollar coaster!? Den Sharon had to wake mi up before the car damn paiseh. Then there's this ride called the "Flipper", after Daniel's legs were all wobbly after i forgot which ride, I say we go sit Flipper. He was lyk.."Flip ur head ar!" fun to tease him. Then I tink Wet and Wild must've been their fav ride...cos we sat on it dunno how many times, even when it was 8 plus 9..we still on it! It was damn eerie la...esp when the boat travelling into the tunnel. Then we keep changing "travelling partners" after each turn la. Then on the turn when Sharon sit wif James...he actually scared her until she cry lor. Apparently he was singing sum ghost song...den later he tap on her shoulders, when she turn arnd he "BOO" he veri loudly and she cried. Damn ungentlemanly rite??? Then he said the next one he wan to sit wif mi. I said ok la...den he tried singing his ghost effect on mi. DEN i started singing my famous "bu liao qing"...that song dat goes,"wang bu liao, wang bu liao....". He freaked out and say i win...and asked mi to stop. Yay, took revenge for Sharon. Then when I sit wif Alex I di the same thing, he oso got scared...hahaha! Still dare to scare gers la...those boys...HAR!~ Anw...all in all, we had a super great time. And then...the bad part came...
When I went home, my parents gave mi a dressing down. My dad say as their teacher, I should encourage dem to go home early to study, and not play wif dem until so late. Wad's more they're having mid-year exam next week, which made mi feel veri guilty. That's not mum came to my room to give mi a lecture. As an experienced teacher, I find that all she'd said makes sense. She said teachers and students should always have this "teacher-student" distance, and not fren-fren type. She also siad that by forging such a close bond wif students, I'm going to make it veri difficult for the next teacher to win them back...which I tink realli makes sense. Mrs Lim is going to hate mi man. I mean, there're already sec 1s telling mi they're going to fail her tests, James told mi he can hand up a blank paper etc. Altho i already made the sec 1s promise they'll listen to Mrs Lim and do well la...Then another thing, my mum scold mi for letting my students noe I'm leaving. Cos they had to spend alot of money getting mi all the presents, which is firstly, a waste of their parents' money, and secondly, useless. As in, I've no space to keep dem and they'll juz be left there to collect dust. Den I felt realli bad...maybe I realli shoudn't have told dem I'm leaving and made a "silent exit" lor. Wad was I tinking... Damn I'm such a lousy teacher...totally failed at my first attempt. Den my mum say if I'm gg to be so emotional after having dem for juz 3 to take up teaching as a career? I've failed...totally.
* xuan * listened
@ |5/02/2004 10:41:00 PM|