Friday, August 26, 2005
Mental BlockFor these past few days have been trying to blog. Come to blogger page, reach the compose page, and then stare at the black screen for 5 mins, thinking what's interesting to blog about... then closed the window. How pathetic, my life is coming to a boring routine whereby I have absolutely nothing nice to blog abt. And since my life revolves arnd sch now... let me talk about my lecturers...
So far, I like all my Elang lecturers. My Psycholinguistics lecturer is this pretty lady who is of dunno what race(altho I suspect she may be Filipino, cos she really looks lyk my last Filipino maid. And no, that's not an insult cos my ex-maid was working as a beauty counter salesgirl back at her hometown before she came to work as domestic help cos needed the money). But she's very nice, and I'm kinda ashamed to admit that I was always dozing off in her class cos I had 4 hrs lesson before her lect, and also her lect time is the lunch time period, frm 12-2. So for last wk and this, I was surviving on mentos throughout the lesson la. Mentos to keep me awake and also to get the digestive juices working abit so that my stomach wun create any embarassing noises halfway thro the lecture. Anw, the psycho lects are turing mi into one soon.
Social Variation lecturer, jolly old ang-mo man with a big potbelly. I'm always very amused when he reads out parts of interviews done on native S'porean speakers, with all the "lah" and "lor". Not a big deal, but it really sounds funny when and ang-mo says them. But his voice a little bit monotonous though... but still, I always like those jolly old men with potbellies... like my father! Hahaha...
My Sentence Structure lecturer is also one of my favourites... I SO regret taking Sounds last sem and got that Mohanan woman for my lecturer instead. Dr Ho is so funny, and he always tries to tell us some interesting thing that happened to him recently (which never fails to drag mi back frm "dreamland" to "lecture time" everytime). Today during the break, he said we can go out if we want, but for those who wants to just stay in the LT and relax, he's going to show us his "babies". (Apparently before that he was using the theory of "Only woman can have babies", so if one day he can have a baby, then it will be a counter-example to the theory, and it will then have to be revised. But if one woman cant have a baby, it's no big deal cos the theory says only women can have babies, and not ALL women can have babies). Ok ya, anw, he was just using that baby example to explain to us some rule thing in sentences. Anw, the "babies" he showed us are his oil paintings he did himself... mostly architecture arnd S'pore, old coffee houses, kampong villages etc. Really nice... and he was saying how we're forced by society to do what we do not like to, but we must always reserve this small part of being "yourself", and do what you really want to do. And for him, it will be to have "babies". Can really see the difference in enthusiasm when he was showing us his paintings and when he started lecturing English again. But anw, was just talking to this yr 3 grp mate frm Social Variation on msn, he was telling mi as an Elang major, he recommends that I take every module under Dr Ho, he said Dr Ho is super nice. I think I really will!
I dun really want to talk about my Bahas tutors, cos I got this damn fast-paced ibu that speaks Bahasa Indo for lyk 85% of the time in class. Damn sad when I saw her walk into my TB class today, was so hoping I wun get her again since I alr got her for TA. I'm starting to dislike Bahasa now... dun tink I'd even want to further till level 3000. And as for S'pore Society, I really got nothing much to comment la, I skipped first lect, went halfway for 2nd lect (slping half of the time), and skipped 3rd lect. Damn the lazy bug striking again...
Think maybe Elang lecturers are genrally nice, (Expect Mohanan again...) since I also loved my level 1000 lecturer, Magdeline Cruz or stg liddat. Maybe ELang is really quite a nice subj to major in... haha...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/26/2005 12:26:00 AM|
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Pissed...Went wif Carin, PZ and Liza to the bizcom welcome chalet just now... and left with avolcano eruption on my head. Think the people sucks. NUS pple sucks... most of them. Liza said we have to join some CCA to get some CCA points so that our resume will look better in future. I dun think I need that stupid CCA. We go there, play some really stupid games, and then we're not even there for one hour yet they ask us for money. Accomadaion and food they say. Then Liza was saying we dun have enough money to pay, that bitch says we can borrow from our friends, (which is us la), and we say we also have not enough money. The bitch says then we can try to borrow money from these new people, fellow "freshies". Use their brains can anot!?! If you just knew someone and now he/she asks u to lend him/her money you'll lend meh!? She so damn bitchy smart ask her to lend us her goddamn money la! BITCH!!! I bloody hell cant stand them... even if my resume has to look how ugly I also wun join them.... ugly S'poreans.
And then Liza was trying to preach me on the truth of the ugly working society... abt how politics cannot be avoided, and u have to be smart to know your way through and all the stuff. I dunno is my thinking very childish or what, but I'm brought up to think that as long as u do ur best in whatever u do, you'll have a clear conscience and someday your efforts will be seen and recognized. I know that sounds too perfect cos usually things dun turn out this way. But let's look at it this way...
I never knew how to "por" teachers, coaches, seniors etc etc. In my sec sch and JC badminton team alike... they are always some girls that damn gum wif the seniors, that always go curry favour the coaches and teacher-in-charge. Never once did I do any of that, if I not happy with a teacher-in-charge I will show face (Yiru should noe this very well), I will not always hang out wif seniors and get into their good books. In the end I still got to play for every match in sec sch (ok maybe cos my sec sch team is how "lan" la), and then in JC... I had one of the most horrible incidences in J1 whereby this senior came and acted all nice and helpful to us juniors, and act lyk she'll trying to tell us our weak points. Since she's a singles player, she came to talk to us single players. Slowly one by one she tried to tell them their weaknesses... then when she came to me, (I can still rem it so clearly till today), she said "you play like a Barbie Doll, no power at all." That was the first time ever since I played badminton that someone said something like that to me. I was so damn bloody upset and went home to cry and all the shit. In the end? She was sitting on the bench most of the games while I played every single match. I hated her... But anw, it taught me that you do not have to use underhand methods to try to ruin someone or anything like that, if you really have what it takes, people will recognize u for ur efforts. (unless my superior is the kind who likes to be bootlicked la, then I'm doom...)
My aunt also told me her story before... she started out in the police force... for some reason people like to backstab her and say mean nasty things behind her back. She was damn upset at the beginning but she din quit. She worked very hard despite being poor in English, and after a while those bitches realised they cant do anything to her. My dad always tells me, as long as u do what you're supposed to do, dun cheat pple, dun go talk bad about other pple, and to have a clear conscience is good enough. Also, u dun do "bad" stuff so that others can have a hold over you. If you do everything perfectly well, they cant do anything to you. And quoted frm my aunt, "they wan to speak bad about me also not in front of me... as long as I dun hear it I pretend I dunno anything lor."
The working world sucks... but you must always know your own principles and stick firmly by them. That way, you will not be easuly manipulated and swayed. So for now... I'm gg to be blacklisted by the bizcom pple... and I dun care a shit...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/20/2005 08:48:00 PM|
Friday, August 19, 2005
You entered: 9/12/1984
You were born on a Wednesday under the astrological sign Virgo.
Your Life path number is 7.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2445955.5.
The golden number for 1984 is 9.
The epact number for 1984 is 27.
The year 1984 was a leap year.
As of 8/18/2005 3:09:57 PM CDT
You are 20 years old.
You are 251 months old.
You are 1,092 weeks old.
You are 7,645 days old.
You are 183,495 hours old.
You are 11,009,709 minutes old.
You are 660,582,597 seconds old.
There are 25 days till your next birthdayon which your cake will have 21 candles on it.
Those 21 candles produce 21 BTU's,or 5,292 calories of heat (that's only 5.2920 food Calories!) .
You can boil 2.40 US ounces of water with that many candles.
Your birthstone is Sapphire The Mystical properties of Sapphire
Though not meant to replace traditional medical treatment, Sapphire is used for clear thinking.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewlers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Agate, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli
Your birth tree is
Weeping Willow, the Melancholy
Beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.
There are 129 days till Christmas 2005!The moon's phase on the day you were born was waning gibbous.
Try It!
* xuan * listened
@ |8/19/2005 03:12:00 AM|
Haiz... supposed to have a really fun day tmr going ktv wif PZ again... den now she last min tell mi she cant make it... damn damn sian. Even worse now cos I watched the Superstar thingy just now, the results show, where they show recaps of the last-standing contestants... alamak, then I feel like singing very very badly lor!!! But well... I gotta tahan... eh, maybe I can go ktv alone? Has anyone even tried doing that before? Tink it'll be quite therapeutic if u're feeling down or something. Go ktv urself, sing in the hall alone... cool man...
But anw I needed to go get my earring stuff in town la... running really low on wires... so I asked my never-fail-me dearie Jo! And she said she can meet me after her work for dinner! I love Jo!!! K better stop it before she start saying I very gross again... cos I told her she'll be my date tmr la... haha!
Tutorial slots finally confirmed... din go as smoothly as I planned, din get my first choice for one of my bahasa tutorials, but they gave mi my 2nd choice la. Then SS I wasn't allocated anything at all... so had to ballot 2nd round... den luckily I got this other slot lor... if I didn't I would have to take those Mon slots which happen to be my free day. *Thank Goodness*
* xuan * listened
@ |8/19/2005 02:03:00 AM|
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I was told that we'll be watching a film today during lecture today for social variation of language, but was not told what film we'll be watching. I went for the lecture, and guess what? They showed us "I Not Stupid". Haha... it's my most relaxing lecture ever since I started uni life man... but we had to take down notes cos gotta hand up this brief assignment on the film, discussing abt 3 sociolinguistic issues of my choice. I dun understand how people can watch and take notes at the same time... I will be quite engrossed in the film and then suddenly remember gotta take notes, den scribbled something on my paper. And then continued watching and got lost again... anw... wish we had more of such lectures.... haha...
After that lect I met Tab for lunch and to try to get into cors for our tutorial balloting on my laptop. Bloody hell... tried so so so many times still cant get in. And frens came msging mi on msn all asking the same question "hey, can u get into cors to ballot for ur tutorials??", and frens hat walked past me in sch also asked the same quesiton. Apparently no one could get into cors... and there were pple who stationed themselves in comp lab and library to keep trying to get in for hours, and still cant. And everyone had the same conclusion... muz be the freshies. Hahahaha!
S'pore Society at 2pm... Tab self-declared herself free during that time so acompnied me for my lect. Wah lau damn boring can?? Somehow I dun remember all my soci already... altho I took soci last sem, it's methods of social research, so more technical. Anw I see this guy sitting first row, centre block, right under the nose of the lecturer... rested his whole head on the table sleeping lor. Then when the lecturer gave us a break we see many pple taking their bags leaving the LT lor... which includes mi and Tab la. I super buay tahan man... gotta rely on the readings to get by... haha.
Haha... I cant believe who I saw on my way home... took NEL together wif Gwen... was happily talking with her on the train when suddenly I saw someone and immediately stopped and lowered my head. No it's not some guy I used to have a crush on or anything along that line. I saw Miss Chng! My chem and form teacher for upper sec! Haha! And guess what Gwen and I were talking about before I saw Miss Chng? "I hate Chem man... I failed my O's chem lor.... got D7!" Then Gwen was saying... "Aiyah I not much better... got C6. Imagine I gotta use my A-Maths grade for O's instead of chem??" I was lyk frozen still for half a minute when I was Miss Chng lor... but after that realised I dun tink she can recognize me anw... haha.
Bumped into Sher when I went Kovan... dunno how come lyk always bumping into her everywhere. She said I'm stalking her... but to tell everyone the truth here... she's the one stalking me!!! Haha... anw she looked damn tired la... but I guess we all look the same after school cos when I went to pluck my eyebrows the lady was asking me if I juz ended sch or something... look very tired. Haha... it'll be one long sem again man...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/18/2005 12:15:00 AM|
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Have you ever thought why is it that good things come together? Or maybe... it works the same way for bad things too. Remember times when something goes wrong for you, and even before u can solve that problem, another bad things comes along and another, until u feel so bloody unlucky and just break down and cry cos simply NOTHING is going your way? Ya... tink everyone of us experienced it before... for mi, it will be during year 1 of uni... I can remember I was in a SUPER bad state that no one can compare with... simply nothing is going my way. So why is it that these bad things cant come seperately? Like, let me finish this problem before u bomb another one on me?
But on the bright side... let me tell you... good things come together too! And what example is better than the sales of my shop? Haha... I'd long figured this out but always thought it was just coincidence, until Tab told me she experiences the exact same thing in the case of Yahoo auctions. There'll be this period where my shop will be like stagnant, no sales no nothing... I call this period the "drought" period. And if not because of my visitor counter, I would most certainly think that that is absolutely no traffic for my shop at all. And then suddenly one day, u check your mail and u get orders from customers! More than one! And then after this "busy" period... u'll experience the "drought" again. Haha! Amazing huh... it's like as if people decide to buy from you at "this time", like it's an auspicious date or something. And since Tab experiences the same situation too... I believe that this theory is very true.
Anw... I need an outlet to complain here. My psycholinguistics lecturer posted this announcement on ivle saying we're required to read a few pages from this book which is available on the elibrary on ivle... something called the eJournals. And I tried searching high and low, in and out of the websites... tried every button possible to click on, and I still cant find the title. And Tab helped me search for it using her comp too... and no! There's no such title!!! And she said she expects response and interaction from us on our nect lecture. Now I want to be hardworking also cannot... I wan to be able to respond something in case she happens to ask me to answer... and now I cant! I'm SO bloody ANGRY!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |8/17/2005 01:15:00 AM|
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Great Day Out In Town!Had a great day out in town with the OG girls... who recently came up with a new name for themselves - The Giggly Girls... the name speaks for itself la huh. Was supposed to meet them at 3 to watch Wedding Crashers but I was SO desperate for my duet session with my greatest duet partner PZ we met up at 12 for a 3 hr ktv session! It was awesome I tell u! Like NO ONE else can sing duet with me as well as PZ... imagine for the entire ktv session we only sang one or two of our own songs for warm-up, then it was duets all the way! We sang almost all the duets we can remember that existed, and the last hour is spent singing a specific few duets over and over again to reach perfection. It was damn damn damn shiok man after singing. I mean, I tried singing duets with many others before, girls, guys.... but all turn out quite terok. PZ we're going again really soon! I dun care!!!
And then we met up with the rest at 3 for Wedding Crashers... some parts were really funny lor... got the entire cinema laughing so loudly... recommended if you want to watch a show to relief stress or simply need a good laugh.

I loved this shot! Dunno if these busily amused women even noticed I took it. We were at OTO after the movie cos dear Carin wanted to buy some tummy slimming machine for her mum... and Liza offered to try it on... I thought it works by having electricity pass through ur tummy or something but apparently it's just some vibrating machine that gets u all jiggly once u put it on. Haha.... then as Carin was settling with the payment stuff the rest of us just happily sat down on these chairs to play with these foot machines. Very amusing...
We then went Cartel for dinner... sucks. For dunno how long I alr very anti Cartel but somehow most of my frens loved it, so today when they suggested Cartel I decided to go try it again la. Pui... same results... After dinner we were just sitting there and "nua", when suddenly Liza saw someone outside giving out free food samples she just made all of us go out to get the samples la! Like one moment we were sitting there the next all of us were chionging out after the free sample person. Apparently Starbucks was letting pple sample a new flavour Strawberry Frappuccino... Thought it was not bad... tasted like strawberry milkshake from Macdonalds long time ago when they still had milkshakes on their menu... damn I missed it man. But Fang went "PUI!" when she tasted it... and er... someone else also din like it, but suddenly cant recall who was it... but I liked it! Maybe will order it next time I go Starbucks... anw the mocha at Starbucks is NOT NICE... maybe not super bad, but Coffee Bean still has the best mochas... I dun care.
And then after that we went Coffee Club to sit and gossip la... ordered mocha (as usual), but the mocha there is the WORST of all the coffee joints. Uuurgh! Anw dunno how come they started talking about The Maid, and then we started talking abt u noe... those stuff, with Liza and mi kinda freaking out while Fang went on and on abt facts and things to take note of abt such things... shit... I dun wan to continue before I dun even dare to go toilet later... I'm alone at 2am now outside in the study room while everyone's sleeping la. Enough enough.... Anw... had a wonderful and fulfilling day! *Wide Grin*
* xuan * listened
@ |8/13/2005 01:54:00 AM|
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Damn damn damn sian... went for my first lecture of the sem today. The lecture was nice, but what happened was, I tried to make conversation with this girl sitting beside me (since I figured that if I'm gg to major in Elang and none of my frens are majoring in it, I better start making some Elang frens or I'll be all alone until the day I graduate). I asked her if this module need to buy any textbk, she say "dunno, he never say anything abt it.", den went back to sms-ing. WAH PIANG! I dun tink I'd ever in my life made the first move and tried to make conversation with someone la! Bloody hell... she better dun come to me next time if she happen to need my help.
Social Variation in EL is nice... actually it's more of a soci module. It's learning how different social aspects affect the way language works in s'pore. And we'll be watching a show next wk! And our hw was supposedly to watch My Sassy Neighbour every week but someone pointed out that the show just ended it's run recently. Haha... lecturer says he'll figure something out. Anw it's damn funny to hear an ang-mo lecturer giving examples of how S'poreans speak... with the "lah" and "lor".
But tmr will be boring... ok not tmr, in less than 12 hrs time, I'll be seeing Mohanan again!!! For sentence structures. Wah piang damn sian lor.... I pray pray pray I wun get her for tutorial again!!! And after that will be psycholinguistics... I still cant believe the venue is written a classroom in AS1 lor. I checked the roster there's 70 over pple taking it. How to sit all of us in a classroom!? And if it's really in a classroom, I'm so bloody scared!!! Aaargh!!! Gotta keep pinching myself if I'm gg to doze off in class... literally, class.
Anw Dee was telling me on msn she saw this really cute guy in sch today... but holding hands with a girls la... but that's besides the pt. She kept gg on and on about how good-looking he is... even more so than all her past crushes. Haha... cant believe NUS also got good-looking guys. Told her I need to guy-watch, we shall compare time-tables after we got our tutorials den we shall find a slot to guy watch. SOrry if I sound too despo here... it's really been AGES since I spotted a cute guy. Man... dat sounds so pathetic...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/11/2005 12:54:00 AM|
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
First Day Of School!I'll be waking up in about 6 hours time to return to the weekly routine of gg to sch and back, dragging myself out of bed on days my dad can't fetch me, and packing my stuff to stayover at my aunt's hostel on days I have early lesson... and for this sem, rushing home from school most of the days for tuition. What a boring robotic stale life.
And guess what... I was just checking the venues for all my lectures I found out this 3000 Elang mod I'm taking this sem is in a class! OMG! I din noe the 3000 modules are so scary! Lecture in a class!?! Means I cant slack or sleep la!? Then if lecture is in a class what's the point of having tutorials for that module? Aaaargh... I'm scared. And I'm supposed to have another lecture tmr in the afternoon but cos I postponed E-Maths tuition today to tmr due to my NDP thingy, I gotta skip that lect (SS) and rush home for tuition. Wanted to cancel it for this week but last week's E-Maths session was already cancelled, and knowing those kids, no E-Maths tuition for 2 weeks consecutively will cause them serious damage in any of their upcoming tests. Nvm la... S'pore Society onli mah... heard it's just soci... tink I can handle one skipped lecture. Afterall... it's not held in a class!!! Aaargh!
Will blog on the NDP performance another day when I got the pics frm SK and some others. Cant believe it... I remembered to bring everything today... except for camera! And since my dear Cryst and Dul are so used to me being the camerawoman, none of them bothered to bring their cameras for backup. Sigh... then just gotta go arnd lending pple's camera lor...
Damn tired now... if I continue I wun be able to wake up for my first lecture of the sem. Nitez pple... ZzZzZzzz.....
* xuan * listened
@ |8/10/2005 01:31:00 AM|
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Ok I'll Give Up The Fling Idea! I'm Boring!!!Aaargh... was talking to Liza and PZ on msn and kena cut off, but anw I kena scolded by them for the fling thingy la, then they neh neh neh me until I got nothing to say den gave up the idea liao. They said I dun have what it takes to have flings (I choose to take it as a compliment) because flings are not for me, I'll sure end up hurt. And it's also what Dul said abt mi also la... Ya... now to think abt it it's really quite an un-xw-like thing to do... having flings. And stupid Liza said I'll be the type to continue waiting for my proper guy and then get married have kids. Eh am I really so boring to u pple!?! Aaargh... but nvm... I still take it as a compliment. Hmmph!~
Anw I forgot to add in my last post, just now one of my tuition students, the girl whom I was complaining damn hard to teach cos her maths lyk so damn super lan, she toked to mi on msn and told mi she passed her maths! And got even higher than my 2 other students, the 2 boys. Wow! I feel so damn happy man... the kind of satisfaction u'll get being a teacher... haiz... indescribable. And today LJ they all were saying I just have that teacher look, lyk totally can imagine me being a teacher next time.
SEE! All ymfrens tink I'm a boring person! First they tink I dun have what it takes to have flings, they tink I'll just happily get married, and have kids. And secondly they all say I so have this teacher-look (meaning, boring, conventional and predictable). Ok fine... I shall (mian qiang)take it as a compliment... =)
* xuan * listened
@ |8/07/2005 04:13:00 AM|
Went out with the girls today, with special appearance by Lijia and Huiying... which kinda helped mi get full attendance from the problemetic girls... bleah~! Had alot of fun digging up gossips frm LJ, how she got together with her current bf and stuff abt other pple... haha! And we even arranged a sleepover at HY's before she goes back to UK!

It's amazing how we got closer to the 2 girls only after we graduated from JC... this is called "yuan fen". Anw all of them said my new hair colour and hairstyle is nice!!! SO happy... den HY went to get a temp perm to see how it looks... she looks veri pretty!!! So all of us were lyk urging her to get a permanent one cos she really look v pretty and sophisticated in curly hair! Argh, I also wan to perm, but since my hair kinda short now huh... it's gonna be a LONG wait again...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/07/2005 12:44:00 AM|
Saturday, August 06, 2005
So Bloody Pissed...Just finished talking to my confidant... Miss Tab Lee. I am so so so bloody upset I just had to call someone and complain (cum cry). And I know so many pple will think it's kind of a ridiculous thingy to cry over... but I was really really upset ok!?
Imagine this... you got sick of your black hair and decided since it's been almost a year since u last dyed your hair u decided to get a dye today. And since the last time u dyed ur hair the colour cant be seen too obvious u decided to choose a brighter/lighter colour since it'll usually come out one shade darker. And then it turned out a bit brighter than wad u had in mind... like this:

Then u got quite upset but after looking at it a few more times in the mirror and having a fren (Dul) who tells u she wanted not to dye her hair ever again after a bad experience but after seeing my hair colour now she's tempted to dye again... u got used to it after a whole day and even kinda liked it.
And then when your parents came to fetch u home from town and saw your hair colour, your mum and aunt (who also happened to be in the car) started saying and saying about dyeing of ur hair. They start saying about how good ur hair used to be, in terms of texture and jet black in colour etc etc. And then also about how u ruined ur beautiful hair now by dyeing it, next time the texture wun be as good and the black hair that grows out wun be as jet black as before. And my aunt have to comment about the colour u chose, choose also choose a more sophisticated colour, now this colour so "ah-soh". It's not even like u wanted this colour! It just turned out to be lighter than what you expected, it's an accident!!!
So can all of u imagine how upset I felt? You were getting used to your new hair colour and even thought that it's quite nice, and they had to come splash cold water on you like that. And my mother's tone was like she's so disappointed in what I'd done... huh!? Then as I was gettin all upset telling Tab abt it on the fone my dad walked past and noticed that I'm crying, he was kind of puzzled abt what happened, and after he heard a bit of my conversation wif Tab he kinda got it. So he walked past again and said "dye also dye already, no need to cry one la". Then I got even more agitated I raised my voice saying "you ask Ma la! I dye my hair she also have to keep saying... I'm going to be 21 already I dye hair also have to get scolded!?!" Kinda surprised cos I v seldom blow up like that... I'd always been happy being protected and even accepted the fact that even when I'm 27 my parents will still treat me like I'm 16 due to their protective nature. But this is really the ultimate! Ok even if u din tink that my new hair colour is nice there's nothing that can be done alr so what's the point of saying all those things to upset everyone?? Aaargh, dun feel lyk toking to her for the next few days...
Anw I dunno issit due to my new hair colour or am I really just too bored, I told Dul when waiting for my dad, that I'm very bored nowadays... feel lyk getting a fling. Dul's eyes opened SO big (lyk even bigger than my eyes) and said a big "NO!" into my face. Then I said that but I'm quite sian of trying to find the stable guy, the one who's gg to be my husband... might be a good idea to find a fling while waiting for my husband to appear. She looked at me straight in the eye and said very seriously, the way a teacher reprimands her student... "XuanW, NO FLING! NO FLING!". Wah scary sia~. But was talking to Tab abt it just now... she seems quite approving of it... since it's just for fun, as long as I dun go too far, why not? The prob now is where am I going to find my fling... Hmmm...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/06/2005 02:23:00 AM|
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Girls Night Out!Ha! Had such a great night today... was feeling so damn sian nua-ing at home the whole day when I received this heroic sms frm Tab which saved mi from the dumps... asking mi to go have coffee wif her at Coffee Bean! Wooo Hoo!!! But since stupid Compass only have stupid Starbucks which only sells stupid not-nice coffee, she suggested going all the way to Serangoon Gardens for Coffee Bean! At first I was so unwilling cos I only wan to travel lyk maybe a 400m radius arnd my place... and den she had to bribe me by saying she'll pay for cab there and back. Damn irritating one dat woman... so I agree lor. Anw have been staying at home so many days I need an outlet to spend my money... what's better than spending it on great coffee and deadly sinful cheesecake at Coffee Bean? Plus a really girly long-time pal to talk about everything under the sun??

That's my ice blended mocha with sinful whipped cream, plus my super sinful triple decker cheesecake. And that's Tab's ice blended chocolate and super sinful brownie!
Really miss meeting up with her man... cos she's like the veri few frenz I can really bitch about passer-bys to. We juz sat there and pple watch, we even made fun of few ah-peks who sits at the outdoor seats of Coffee Bean to drink coffee! Kopitiam too low class for them man! And they're wearing their white ah-pek singlets! Hahaha! Ok I'm being mean. And then we talk abt all the nitty-gritties abt SATC, scolding and cursing Carrie together... haha! And we can even start discussing about our tuition and science questions that our students ask us! Really everything under the sun man! And then out dear Tab got a little distracted cos her bf is at sum pool competition now and she's not there to support. After a while I buay tahan anymore den agreed to go down wif her to support him... of cos, she pay for cab again la... haha.
I cant believe I'll agree to that, it's so something that I will not do lor. But on account that she's always there for mi, and never desert her frens even when she's attached, I gave in lor. Some things that girls can do for the guy they love... hopefully the guys will know how to appreciate it. And to Tab... we should have another girly talk session soon! =)
* xuan * listened
@ |8/03/2005 12:27:00 AM|
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Virgo WomanShe will be similar to Leo woman in appearance. A slim woman who walks with confident and proud. She has an egg shape facial structure, high and round forehead. She likes to look straight as if she is searching. She is not a pretentious type and will always say what she thinks.You will see Virgo woman walks fast. She will try her best to be perfect, to look perfect and to feel perfect even though there is no such perfection.She is very delicate of what and how she dress. She is bright and easily despairs with obstacles. She likes smart guy who will be compatible with her, so if you are a rich dumb guy, you can forget about her right now.She is not a very possessive or jealous person for she expects respect from her love one.She does not like a part time lover, or a temporary mate. If she finds her dream man, she will not go away. If she does not like you, she will always keep a certain distant. Act proper and appropriate is her discipline. She does not like and cannot stand bad languages, cursing words or phrase. She likes a gentleman who opens the doors for her. She wants to feel protected and when a man taking care of her, she will feel like a complete woman.She memorizes everything about other people and about herself very well. She can really keep secret; you can trust her on this. She likes a refreshing and a mild scent. She is very delicate in maintaining her beauty, so you could see she is seriously picking soap which match and most suit her skin. Do not comment her on these very picky habits, it is her happiness in working full times as a self beautifier. She is not an innocent angel for sometimes she can be as tough as steel. Even she easily despair, she is not the type to cry over it. She is a shy type, so making speech in front of the room can make her nervous even she walks and talks confidently. She only search for true love, not just any love. Her love is an ideal one.She likes to think no one is neater and as effective as her, which can irritate you sometimes for there is no such thing. She likes sweet talk, but she can slip and say something unpredictable and unbearable to you too. When she stops getting mad, she will totally forget what she just said and be an angel again. If you have a date with her, you'd better be there on time.Flowers and sweet word can calm her down. If you want to say sorry, make it brief and straightforward. Do not drag your apologetic words into a long making it up events; it could lead you to another world war. She likes her man to dress nice and clean. She is good in details especially with money. Do not make her think that she is a clown or funny.In the beginning of knowing her, please try not to glance at other pretty woman so much. Early period of dating her, try not to hold her so much in public, it would not be a proper thing to do. She loves books, stage play and music and likes to criticize about them too. Criticism woman is her icon including big and small things in life starting from your hair, your dress, and the way you talk. If you are in love with her, be as almost perfect as your can.Conclusion:
This analysis is 100% true of virgos... and I simply LOVE being one! =P
* xuan * listened
@ |8/02/2005 04:38:00 AM|
Monday, August 01, 2005
I am a whore to you, you're a slave to him, he is a servant to .......Pardon my use of words... but this fren of mine used the exact same word, describing himself as being a whore to this girl he likes. Reason being cos he's always there for her, and she, can be nice one moment and the next time, not contact him at all for the whole week, no news at all. And he also told me that her nick on msn now is somthing like "what's the point of hanging on if you know you will give up someday?" Ar.... apparently she's being a slave to some other guy, still holding on to him, even though she knows that nothing good will come out of it. So I told him, maybe everyone is a whore to someone else... he's a whore to her, and she's a whore to him, and maybe he's a whore to another girl... and the list goes on. And I kena scolded by my fren, he say that doesn't sound right. But well... I got the meaning right didn't I?
Really.... maybe everyone of us is being a slave to someone else. What do I mean by slave? (I decided "whore" seems far too harsh a word to use) You know that nothing will come out of it but you're still holding on to him/her. Meaning, even though you know u may mean nothing much to him/her, but when he/she asks u out, or even simply juz smses u, you'll be damn happy and be over the moon, or be on cloud nine. And even though u noe he/she is interested in someone else, or IS already with someone else, you're still willing to wait for him/her... and reject all other interested parties after you. Sometimes you feel like slapping urself for doing so, and you really really hate yourself for not being able to let go of this thing that looks like it's going nowhere. But you just cant. And then you feel lyk u've no pride at all being at the mercy of his/her mind games. That is when you know you're being a slave to him/her. My deppest condolences to this fren of mine... hope he can be saved out of slavery soon!
Anw.... I'm DYING to go shopping.... I mean it... I'm DESPERATE to go shopping! And you know what? Lyk all of my shopping buddies are WORKING! Yes! Working in the afternoon, working for the whole day. And so what do I do? Even when I have the whole day free to myself, I can only stay at home and sleep the afternoon away. I WANT TO GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |8/01/2005 11:16:00 PM|
How You Life Your Life |
 You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down. |
Hmm... I wonder who is my that one best friend. I thought I always confide in different people for different issues... Weird...
Your Hidden Talent |
You have the power to persuade and influence others. You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! |
Got this from YY's blog... another short and easy-to-do quiz!
You Are a Drama Queen (or King) |
(You are more dramatic than 60% of the population.)
And the oscar goes to... you!
You're all about overreacting and just plain acting.
You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance.
And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times...
Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little.
(But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!) |
And so Min is right saying that if I really go teach in future I should be in charge of the Drama Society... and I even scolded her for that. Aaargh!!!
Your Brain is 66.67% Female, 33.33% Male |
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
Of cos I think female! DUH~!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |8/01/2005 02:28:00 AM|
A late update on my stayover with Gwen at YY's... damn sian to blog these days... haha...

Late night beauty session with my twinny...

The human, and the ghost.
It was rather fun, but I tink cos we're SUCH long-time frenz alr, (since sec 1!), our frenship become lyk those "lao fu lao qi" already. Told them this is lyk the most boring stayover I had with my frens. How is this so? Cos we're so "shou" until cannot "shou" anymore, Gwen can just say she wants to watch the 9pm show. So we all watch together. Then YY says she wants to watch the 10pm show. Then she got watch. Wah piang, stayover at fren's house they happily go watch their tv... liddat might as well stay at home watch la! Was fuming for quite a while den decided that it's not working so I juz went into YY's room and sleep a while until they finished their shows.
And stupid Gwen, my only twin, said that she dun wan to get married but when I said then we can "xiang yi wei ming" for life and take care of each other... she say she dun wan to live with me. Blatantly u noe!?! But that's what happens when u're frens for 8 long years... u juz speak your mind. Stupid Gwen...!
Oh ya, and YY's mum said I put on weight already... well, since the last time she saw me was when I'm in sec sch... of cos I look much fatter now. And when I was already so upset she tried to salvage the situation by saying I look prettier with more meat now... so skinny where got nice. WAHHH!!! My self-esteem went all the way low for that few mins... and then it's back to chocolates and potato chips and drinks for the night. Hahaha... totally incorrigible.
And I found out I'm not the only lazy pig arnd... apparently all 3 of us woke up at 12pm the next morning... if not cos YY wanted to watch the repeat of the Superstar show, we can continue sleeping all the way man. So unlike when I stayed at Ning's that time... she woke up at 10 and had to tiptoe arnd the room and when I woke up at 12 plus, she was already outside watching TV. So paiseh... haha.
Anw school's starting soon which spells the end of anymore sleepovers... aaargh! School... I'm going to be a lonely soul for the entire sem! Maybe by the end of this sem I'd have became a hermit. Xuan the hermit... oooh... sounds pretty good...
* xuan * listened
@ |8/01/2005 12:28:00 AM|