Tuesday, March 28, 2006
My Dad Is The BEST!I know I haven been telling the whole world abt how great my dad is for as long as I can remember... but seriously, he IS the best. Sometimes u cant undermine the power of family ties. Some things need not be said, but somehow, they just know... if u get wad I mean.
On Sun nite I was checking the stupid teletext late at night for the arrival timings of Changi Airport. Then my dad came out, the first thing he said when he saw the TV screen was, "wah u also check the stock market one meh?" Then he walked nearer to look at the screen, and without saying anything he turned and went back into his room.
Today the very dreaded M1 bill came. I know that this time I sure die alr... confirm have to answer alot of questions. But this was wad happened:
Dad: Eh ur this month bill so high ar... $70+ leh...Me: Er... I'll pay for it.Dad: It's not the matter of paying for it...Me: U help me change my plan la... to whole day free incoming.Dad: Whole day free incoming the plan quite expensive one leh...Me: Where got? Now alot of pple all whole day free incoming... where got ex...Then my dad went back to work... that was during his lunch break when he came back home just to buy lunch back for me. Then after that he called back and tell me that he'd enquired with M1 already and there is a whole day free incoming plan now, 500 free sms, $15 free outgoing. And I said ok I want to change... then after a while I received an sms frm M1 telling me that my new plan will be activated from tmr onwards! Amazing... my dad din even ask me WHY is my bill so high!
My dad is the BEST!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |3/28/2006 10:21:00 PM|
SC2205 Rules!"SC2205: No More Tutorials :): There will be no tutorials this week or next week as many of you have essay deadlines to meet for other modules."That was the exact msg I just recived on sms. Amazing rite?? Suddenly NUS dun seem that bad anymore... or maybe it's just this module. Or maybe cos my tutor is expecting his wife to give birth anytime soon so he decided that to play safe he sould just cancel all tutorials till the end of the sem. Woo-hoo!!! So now I have the entire thurs for project meetings... for which case, I do have a number lor. Child Lang presentation and Identity report. Not forgetting historical var. essay. And then after that... I'M FREE!
For a very short while I mean... cos when essays are due, the exams start.
* xuan * listened
@ |3/28/2006 05:57:00 PM|
Friday, March 24, 2006
Great Day Today With TP!Anw if u pple are wondering who the hell is TP, she is actually the earliest fren I'd known, even before my YY & Gwen. She was the first fren I made on the first day of sch in Cedar. Kinda lost contact for quite long but somehow we got back into contact, and she's even going Bintan with us in May! Had a great tai-tai day today with her... but such days is to be kept at once in a year maybe? Spent so much today lor... dat woman damn powerful, dunno where her money come from... shld be frm teaching piano. But anw... such splurges are worth it once in a while... haha.

That's our all done-up manicure...So PRETTY! Had a great time catching up with her at the manicure place, and the manicurists there are all so nice, joining in our conversations and one even told us about this American reality TV she watched the other day on how a guy is caught cheating on his wife etc etc... haha.
After that we went to Royal Copenhagen Tea Lounge for high tea... (I din suggest that... told u TP's rich alr). I feel that the cakes are just so-so only... would actually prefer Coffee Bean cakes still. But the ambience is really nice la I gotta admit... and we had a great time just sitting by the window people-watching and chatting about everything under the sun. The service there is also very good...

I know I dunno how to enjoy good food, but I tried eating the salmon (2nd time trying it only), and I just ate half of it I can't take it anymore. The fishy smell is so strong lor! Ya... damn waste money. And apparently I was battling with the salmon halfway when my dear uncle called and he thought I was scolding him when I was actually scolding the stupid piece of salmon. Hahaha...

The Cakes...

And that's me and TP! Think the next time I'll be seeing her will be when we go for our Bintan trip. Haha... both of us were fantasizing about the trip, thinking about what facilities they would have there etc etc... and then we realise we haven even got past the exams part yet lor. Haha...
* xuan * listened
@ |3/24/2006 10:14:00 PM|
Thursday, March 23, 2006
What's Up With MOE?Recently I've quite a number of friends who went for the MOE interview, one after the other. Some had good news to share, some not so good. Some gave very interesting and eye-raising answers, while others gave very idealistic answers. Whatever it is, I'm really glad so many of my friends share the same passion for teaching as me! Next year it shall be my turn already!
Anyway Tab was telling me that there may be a chance that I can become a Maths teacher, cos the interviewers actually asked her if she would prefer teaching Maths or Social Studies, and she said Social Studies. So I was thinking, if they would actually offer an arts undergrad to teach the Maths subject, what is happening to all the real Maths majors in NUS?
According to Dul, who already got accepted by NIE, ALL the Maths majors around her were rejected. She named at least 4 of her Maths major frens who were rejected lor! Damn weird rite? I wonder what MOE is thinking about man. Anyway I just realized my majoring in English is not such a big deal anymore cos they so badly need English teachers that almost everyone graduating from Arts trying for MOE would be given the English language to teach lor. So upsetting... like that I should have majored in Soci instead since even if u major in a non-teaching subject also can teach Secondary level. But then again, if I had not majored in Elang I would not have known my Elang group mates!
And to Tab, good luck with the results! I'm very very confident you will be accepted by NIE. I'll be joining you in a year's time! Haha...
* xuan * listened
@ |3/23/2006 11:51:00 AM|
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Wheeee! Man Tou!!!Went KTV with PZ today... I hate to be so "hao-lian" over here, but seriously, both of us were stunned by our own performance today. We were incredible! Wad happened was our usual practise of singing a few solo songs to warm up first before hitting on the duets, den the first duet we sang was "ni zui zhen gui" by Jacky Cheung & Gao Hui Jun. We've sung this song for dunno how many zillion times alr but today... after we finished the song we both went, "wow" together. We were so good today!!! The mood for that song was so there today both of us were captivated by our own voices. (Issit possible to be captivated by ur own voice?? Sounds weird... but yea... dats wad happened to us) Ya and then all the other songs we sang were almost perfect too... imagine for the first time "Shan Hu Hai" sounded perfect, without any glitches in between! It was so good until both of us were still in a very high mood after we left the place! Hahaha...
And then of cos... the after-KTV activity would be to visit Man Tou la. He's so cute now!!! But seriously he's so active now that my arms were really aching when I left his hse. He especially liked the throwing him into the air act, so I was seriously like lifting weights. And according to PZ he's veri guai today... quietly playing by himself, and he even tried to have a conversation with us! He was looking at us and making very subtle chained noises, den u make those sounds back to him and he'll continue making more of such noises to u. Imagine having a conversation with a baby! So cute!!! And then the TV suddenly played the "Yong Qi" MTV den I started singing to it, den I realised Man Tou was sitting there motionless staring at me sing! He's like my baby cousin... he's musically inclined! Woooh! Then even after a while I started singing again he would stop and look at me sing again! I lurve it when babies do that!!! Din noe my voice so mesmerizing... (oops, narcissistic mode again...)

He's so smiley today unlike the last visit! Awww...

I love this pic! He looks so blur while I was trying to kiss him... haha...

Man Tou's auntie aka my best duet partner -- PZ! He still looks blur...

This pic's good too! He looks SO CUTE!!!

And this photo he looks so funny... lyk his eyes half-closed, looking sheepishly at his milk bottle...

Babies put everything into their mouth!!!

My fav of all fav photos! Haha... erm... cos I look so pretty in it. Hahahaha!!!
And to my dear uncle, I cant believe u're jealous of a little baby boy lor! I shall show u his video when u come back. Haha! And I really really miss u.... aaargh!!!
:: Video of Man Tou ::I din add the video here otherwise slow down my blog... but do go take a look... he's SO CUTE!
* xuan * listened
@ |3/21/2006 10:51:00 PM|
Monday, March 20, 2006
You Thick-Skin!!!I seriously cant believe how thick-skinned some people are... isn't it common knowledge to know when someone is irritated with you already? I mean, it's not the first time already and this time, I am really very appalled by how far one can go in terms of the thickness of one's skin. (Am I making sense here? I dun tink so... juz finished my soci of family paper and it's 2 plus am now and I'm angry)
Anw this was what happened. We were supposed to hand in our take-home quiz of 80 questions for my perfumes and cosmetics module. For these 80 qns we were given the specific websites to go explore and to find out if the statements given to us on the quiz are true or false. I admit it is quite a tough quiz, not in the sense that the questions are difficult, but more of the tedious searching process of the very informational websites. There's so many subheadings and sections to explore, and after a while you'll really go kok-eyed lor.
So what happened was that since we alr S/U-ed this module, Tab and I decided to share the workload, in the sense that she does the first 40 qns on perfumes and I do the next 40 qns on cosmetics... and then we share share our answers and tada! Completed! Ok, and so the quiz is due tmr. Just now I was in my dad's car on our way home frm dinner when this other girl also taking the same module as us msged me asking abt the quiz. Apparently she haven even started. I mean, she dun even know where she is supposed to find the answers lor! And I was already very vexed cos of my soci of family report my answers to her wasn't exactly what you'll call nice.
Then when I logged onto msn just now at 10 plus, she came and tok to me, and the first qn she asked me was "hey wad's the answer to question 6?" Question 6... she has a LONG way to completion man. And so I was checking my answers for her when I realised I still haven gotten Tab's part of the answers, so meaning I dun have the answers for the first 40 qns. So I told her that la, that I was doing it with Tab and haven gotten the first 40 ans. (Yes... stupid big mouth me... shld have juz shut up la!) And guess what her reaction was? "Oh u got the answer for the last 40 qns? Can share share?"
I was lyk... WTH!?! Ok even if it's a take home quiz but u dun actually blatantly ask someone for the answers like that right? And you never even contribute your answers to anything! And who can u blame but urself for starting on it only NOW?? So being the ever-so-panicky me when it comes to situations like this, I called my dear Tab, who happened to be sleeping from her groggy voice. And she also felt that it's ridiculous for her to ask me for aunswers so blatantly... and it's not just one or two questions, but a whole chunk of 40!?! So Tab asked me to put my nick as busy or away and dun reply her, which was what I did. And after a while, she msged me on msn again, "eh... share can?"
In the end I blocked her. But that was not all. After a very short while, like less than an hr ltr she smsed me on my hp, saying that she'd finally finished the questions and wan to double check the answers with me. It's kinda ridiculous cos it is impossible to finish the entire 80 qns in less than half an hr. I took at least 3 hrs to finish my 40 qns lor! So my sis said obviously she is just using that excuse to get answers from me and not to reply her msg. Sigh... but being the all so useless me, I felt it would be more polite to reject her subtly, so I replied her saying that I haven even wrote the answers down on the OAS, now super busy trying to rush through my family report, and I'm not even halfway thro (which is a lie of cos, I was abt 3/4 thro la). A normal person should get the hint alr rite? Not her! She replied saying, "aiyah nvm one la, just run thro the answers very fast one, I call u now."
My sister scolded me for replying just now and immediately took my fone frm me and turned it off. That was scary man.... and now, I seriously dunno how am I supposed to face her in class tmr. But seriously... some pple should really learn how to get the hint and be more automatic. I am such a loser when handling thick-skinned people... not the first time already lor... wth.
* xuan * listened
@ |3/20/2006 02:14:00 AM|
Sunday, March 19, 2006
NUS Is The Biggest Meanie!!!Simply because they follow this stupid system of piling alot of stuff on their poor students - projects, tests, essays etc. It only dawned on me how mean they are when Fang was asking me abt my historical var. mod. I juz realised that for that module, we have group project, we have mid-term test AND we have individual essay! I mean usually it's either one or the other... at most 2 out of 3... not all 3!?! Ok but anyway the 2 problematic issues on hand now is my family essay and my child lang project. After that is done, I'll give myself a good break by going out wif PZ on tues for KTV and my dearest Man Tou, Wed with YY & Gwen to check out tour agencies (but gotta go for tuition in the evening... Wed will be one long day man...), and Thurs wif my darling Cryst & Jo. Fri's still free... any takers?
Wanted to go dye my hair with Dul... but apparently sci students are different frm arts... cos most of their lessons end late... and no free day. WTH...
Ok back to my essay now... it's so late alr! Bleah ~~~~~~
* xuan * listened
@ |3/19/2006 02:48:00 AM|
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Thank Goodness!!!!My blog survived! It's been resurrected! I am SO thankful!!! For the entire of today everytime I try to open my blog site it comes out a "forbidden to view page" page. Afternoon liddat, at night try still liddat! I thought it's gone case for my bestest fren - Mr Blog! I was so hysterical just now lor... and finally... it survived the crisis and it's back again! Wanted to blog abt so many things this afternoon but cos of the errors, I cant. So now I'm back to having nothing to write.
Oh and I cant believe someone who dunno anything abt the IPA font system would actually try to learn it from the dictionary and make out the meaning of that note. You amaze me man...
Ok going to sleep now... I cant believe I'm gg for tuition tmr. Sec 4 sumore... when was the last time I taught sec 4? Ok last yr I did teach grp tuition for sec 3 but that was different... I forgot how to teach on a one-to-one basis alr. Hopefully all goes well for me tmr! And I've got a report to complete this weekend, haven started one bit, while Tab and Fang alr halfway through. Call me superwoman, or call me the greatest slacker in the entire NUS.
Bloggy... I love that you're back!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |3/18/2006 02:05:00 AM|
Friday, March 17, 2006
OK SHIT... I'm really having a serious mental block right now. I cant let my blog go into freeze mode! My beloved blog, my blog that has been with me for years and years already. Tmr I shall try to observe what's happening around me more to get some inspiration to update my blog! I desperately want to update my blog!!! C'mon brain... work urself!!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |3/17/2006 12:11:00 AM|
Thursday, March 16, 2006
A Note To You
* xuan * listened
@ |3/16/2006 12:22:00 AM|
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Happy 21st Bday JingMian!Went for my AJ badminton team-mate Mian's bday party today. So long never meet up with my old team mates... kinda miss them... miss the days where we would kena tortured together by the coach, the days where we would go AMK S11 for "xia mian" after training at nite. Everyone become so pretty now! (Excluding the guys who still look lyk erm... shit)

That's the Bday girl Mian... all smiles at the camera. Oh and btw... after listening to so many r/s problems recently I would like to thank 2 couples who made me believe that it is possible for great r/s to exist. First it's my darling Yiru... if u're reading this babe, ur guy is great... I wan to go for ur wedding dinner soon! Haha. And then Mian... she was going on abt the order of photo-taking with her... first family, 2nd cousins, etc etc. Then after she finished the entire order someone shouted, "then bf leh?" Mian said, "bf is included under family." Everyone present went "AWWW". SO damn sweet rite? If I am not going to be an old maid in future... it will be thanks to Yiru & Mian. =)

That's the group foto of the badminton team... not the entire team, but most of them la. Few juniors from the later batches...
And to that idiot who is going to spy on my blog anytime soon... You better pray I dun find out that u'd alr found my blog address, or else I wun ever tok to u again...
* xuan * listened
@ |3/11/2006 11:22:00 PM|
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
How Long Before Sweet Becomes Sour?Seems like constant facing of my frens' quarrels with bfs is really doing something bad to me. And to tink that recently I was juz getting out of my skepticism on r/s with happy endings... now I'm back to square one again. Juz read a fren's blog yesterday.. she had this long entry abt her and her bf... long, and not exactly very sweet if u noe wad I mean.
It's kinda depressing to read abt such stuff cos last time when I read her blog she has happy pictures of them taken together, always very happy stuff. And also I have another fren who has reached this stage with her bf whereby she is thinking should she break up with him cos of some things she cannot tolerate abt him... but she would tell me that everytime she look back at those photos they took together at the beginning of the r/s she would tear cos they would bring back all the happy memories.
When a r/s gets too long, it also gets stale. And pple start to see faults abt their partners they used to turn a blind eye to due to the immense power of being in love. At the beginning pple always feel like they're the luckiest girl/guy on earth to be in love with this special someone, as time goes by when pple tell u u're very lucky to be with that same special person, u say, "ok lar...". And as time goes by more quarrels surface and the unhappiness is being piled up so quickly u dun have time to resolve them. Maybe like what my fren said abt me being mean to all guys, "u shld be even meaner to the guy u like, because if he can tahan it, it means he can tahan u when u're old and cranky." Is that really true?
Oh dear I'm back to my skeptical self... when will I ever be able to get out of it??
* xuan * listened
@ |3/08/2006 12:08:00 AM|
Monday, March 06, 2006
R/S Probs To Be Kept Within The Couple?Was having this conversation with a fren yesterday, abt this girl fren of mine who's confiding me abt some prob she's having with her bf. So this fren of mine said that he feels dat whatever problems a couple have should be settled within themselves... why muz go tell their frens and in the end their bfs will be seen in a bad light by the fren they confided in. Well... it's true to a certain extent... but I feel that girls and guys operate differently in many ways, including this prob of wanting a listening ear or to keep it witnin themselves.
I then said that that is just how girls work I guess... when u are feeling very frustrated abt some probs within ur r/s, u just want ur trusted fren to be a listening ear to all ur shit. Some would expect advice from their frens, while other just plain want a confidant. And I did read somewhere before that one of the reasons that men die younger than women is because they do not have an outlet to release steam when they have problems... so everything is kept inside and somehow, it damages ur system... and then *boom*, u die first. Hahaha... so mean.
But I'm not saying that my fren's opinion abt it is totally wrong la... sometimes it's really not very nice to let the enture world know abt ur r/s probs... erm... but juz one or two frens is ok? Haha... And ya... apparently he tinks that it's because of my these frens who always come to me with their terrible probs in a r/s that make me anti-guys. Which maybe is true because I juz cant explain it any other way... I have a great family, everyone is in a "zhen qing" kind of family, the kind that operates on love and care, and not material benefits and superficial relationships. So for me to have this bad impression of guys... hmm... muz be my darling frens la! And of cos, for me having this "aunt agony" look on my face.
But nontheless, I do understand the need to confide in someone abt probs, even if it's abt r/s probs. So I still welcome consultation sessions, but I may consider charging by the hour now.
And of cos... I'll try my best not to form a bad opinion of the guys involved. Haha...
* xuan * listened
@ |3/06/2006 02:22:00 PM|
Friday, March 03, 2006
Happy 21st Bday Liza!!!I am so freaking tired now... cant pop into bed yet cos my hair is still wet. Had a great time shopping with Jo today, even though I am the one doing the massive shopping and not her. I bought 2 pairs of heels at one shot! I always knew I'm an impulsive shopper... many tops at one shot, yes... many skirts at one shot, yes... many accessories at one shot, yes... but not more than one pair of heels at a time!?! Anw the feeling is damn good... walking arnd town with 2 shoe boxes. Hahaha...
Brokeback was good... a little bit on the artistic side... but nonetheless, good. It's the kind of movie you'll only start to get the meaning
after the show ended... and u start to think back on the details and start to piece things together. And then the real meaning will suddenly hit you and you'll go "OHHHH!". And well as usual... I was crying quite badly at certain parts... and Jo turned to give me that "are u seriously crying!?!" look. Next time I shall find a fellow tapwater to watch such movies with me... seems lyk I always go watch such movies with the pple who never cries... and they make me feel stupid for crying... bleah.
And then after the movie I had to rush down to Holland V for Liza's 21st bday celebration! As usual.... we girls brought the entire place down with our laughter, giggles, shoutings and screaming. I can so imagine how much the pple there wish they can get rid of us. But anw... we had alot of fun at Settler's Cafe, and seems like everyone just had a spft spot for Jenga... especially our dear Kim who was erm... doing some weird action with it...
Here's our Jenga Mania:

And this is what the great Carin & PZ stayed up all nite doing for Liza... our own Giggly Girls Monopoly set for the bday girl. I really "pei fu" them... they made
everything themselves, even the property cards, and money, the board... if I ever make something like that, I will never ever bear to give it away... keep for myself to play lor... haha...

And lastly, what else can I say but, I really love the Giggly Girls?
Ok my eyes are really closing on me now... I predict it'll take me less than 10 mins to fall asleep after my head hits the pillow ltr... ZzZzZzzzz.....
* xuan * listened
@ |3/03/2006 12:03:00 AM|