Sunday, April 30, 2006
It's Over!!!
YAY!!! I'm a free person! Juz finished my last paper today... I feel lyk I could fly up to the sky now! Haha...
To celebrate me finishing my exams, my dear uncle prepared seafood spaghetti and potato/smoked beef salad for dinner. It's very nice... especially the smoked beef! And I am NOT lying ok...
Packing my schedule for next wk already... ooooh... I've such a busy schedule. Dim sum buffet wif my fav elang mates, supper at Chomp Chomp's with YY Gwen & TP (whom I'll be gg Bintan with on the 7th May!), dinner with my Catas babes... trying to get as many of them as possible... of cos not forgetting Lijia! Might be turning up for my "bro"'s bday dinner, but not confirmed yet, altho he did ask me again just now la. Kinda weird for me to turn up in the midst of a whole bunch of guys rite? But then again... it's my "bro" we're talking abt here... shall see how lor.
Oh and of cos... wad's missing in my schedule is... a full-day shopping spree! But the problem is that I cant find a shopping partner!!! SO IRRITATING!!! I wan to go shop!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |4/30/2006 12:34:00 AM|
Friday, April 28, 2006
Grrrrrr!!!I am so bloody frustrated now... for wad reason I'm not exactly sure myself... but I suspect it is for the fact that tmr is my last paper. Am I a sucker for exams then? Obviously not! But it's the damn feeling that tmr is ur last paper, but u already feel like you are in a holiday mood. It's the so near-yet-so-far syndrome that I totally hate! Why cant it be over already??? I'm obviously in no mood to study now... but I cant totally play without guilt now, because technically there really IS one more paper for me!
I know I really have to at least read thro the notes, skim through at least... but I cant get myself to do it! I hate this feeling!!! Let's see.... it's 11pm now... 14 more hrs I'll be sitting in the exam hall... 16 more hrs I'll be a free person...
But I cant wait that long!!! Juz kill me please......................!
* xuan * listened
@ |4/28/2006 10:56:00 PM|
I'm Voting!!!
Haha... received this in the mail today... cool man... my first time taking part in the polling of the General Election! Haha... underlying meaning: I'm
OLD enough now.
* xuan * listened
@ |4/28/2006 05:13:00 PM|
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Why You Should Never Get On A MotorbikeWarning: Disturbing PicsMany things happened for the past few days... or should I say almost a week already. Didn't blog abt it cos it will take up quite a bit of space on my blog, and most prob pple will be so bored reading thro the entire thing. I did tell some of my frens, those whom I happened to talk to online, or met up with recently... but to the rest whom I hadn't told, it's not because u are not important, but because I'd repeated it so many times I got bored of it. So I decided to come up with a short story to illustrate what happened...
This is the biker...

And I was the pillion rider.
First time I got onto a bike... and then we got into an accident. We crashed heads-on onto a stupid mini bus which was turning in, and whom should've let us go first cos the light was in our favour and we were going straight. In the end...

The biker got major injuries on his neck and leg, while the pillion rider got away with only small bruises.
Haha... not much of a story... but that's the main gist of it la. Lazy to explain everything all over again. Din even plan to blog abt the accident but firstly, I figured that it's been some time since I'd actually blogged And secondly, I was super bored today when meeting my dear uncle to study that I took these fotos of him studying. Ok one last picture...

Unless you would fancy having such complicated stitches that look lyk a few centipedes on your neck, stay clear from those 2 wheeled monsters... they are fatal.
* xuan * listened
@ |4/26/2006 04:48:00 PM|
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Take A Break From Your Revision...
:: Jason's Album ::This is my JC fren's photography album... click the words above to go take a look when u need a break or something. Really very amazed by what he did to the pics... some pics I particularly like:

* xuan * listened
@ |4/23/2006 02:26:00 AM|
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Random Rantings1) I cant wait to get my exams over and done with, BUT I'm not the least prepared for it, AND I'm not doing anything about it.
2) I'm getting fatter and fatter because all I do is eat whole day, AND I have 2 tubs of haagen daz ice-cream in my fridge, AND I'm not exercising at all.
3) I'm becoming a computer addict, NOT because I am really a computer addict, BUT because everytime I flip open my notes I decided I would rather flip open my laptop.
4) I'm supposed to be the queen pig, BUT I cant seem to fall asleep last night. I suspect it's the mocha from Coffee Bean last night. AND I thought I was immune to caffeine already.
5) I really really want to go shopping, BUT no one wants to go shop with me, AND... I really shouldn't be thinking of shopping at this period of time.
* xuan * listened
@ |4/20/2006 02:00:00 PM|
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
-Great Breakfast-I'ts so great, because
1) It's prepared single-handedly by my dear uncle for me2) Because it looks like this:
3) Because it tastes really good!
Well according to him it would've tasted even better if I had eaten it immediately after he'd brought it out from the kitchen, but stubborn me wanted to wait for him to eat together. What's the point of eating something nice alone rite? Ya and I guess he wasn't very happy cos of that la... and also I kinda threw a tantrum when I reached his place this morning cos he din allow me into the kitchen cos it's supposed to be a "surprise", and then I was stranded out in the living room, so being my spoilt self, I was kinda irritated la.
To my dear uncle, I'm really sorry my reaction to ur hard work sucks today la. I know you'd really put alot of effort into making this, and even had to go NTUC early in the morning when I'm still sleeping lyk a pig at home. I'm really sorry k? And I really really appreciate ur effort, for everything. Really.
* xuan * listened
@ |4/18/2006 04:14:00 PM|
East Coast Outing With My ELang Mates!Had such a fun-filled day today, thanks to my ELang mates, Tan, Ho, Kar and Rion! The plan was to meet for lunch at Subway (cos they cant believe I never try it before and want to make sure I get to try it at least once!), then go East Coast cycle/blade, then go visit Chloe at Tan's grandma's place. In the end we went to dump our barang-barang at her grandma's place before gg East Coast, and poor Rion had to bring along his backpack and let us keep our handphones and wallets in it. Too bad la... who ask u to be the thorn among the roses...

That's our darling Chloe! Not as friendly as she used to be... but still cute nonetheless!

The ever greedy baby!!!

Ooooh I love this accidental pic! I tink she looks lyk Popeye's baby... wad's her name ar... aaargh!

Gearing up to conquer East Coast!

Taken at the jetty... these pple are fishing for the small fishes... to use as baits for the large fishes! So mean!!! But then again... that's how nature works la... so...

Secret shot taken of all the small fishes caught and kept in such a confined space...

This is such a cute foto la! Kar & Tan are making the same pose, when actually they are not even posing for the camera! They were looking at the fotos Rion took in his camera, and imitating Chloe's fav pose, the 3 finger swipe ear pose!

The naked apple pie! We were hiding in Macs after it started to rain heavily, and this is a pic of Tan's apple pie! She has this habit of removing it from the box, and Kar suddenly commented that it looks so naked... which it does! Haha...

And then the rain kinda stopped so we headed back to Chloe's place, but not before taking silly shots at the fountain!

A full group photo! Poor Rion... he really looks so uncle in this pic posing with us! But well, technically he IS a couple of yrs older than us... hahaha...

Tan & Rion! Ar now Rion looks less of an uncle and more like a little boy, with Tan acting lyk a little girl... both playing at the fountain! This shows how high all of us were today!

And for dinner we went to the Bedok hawker center for greasy, unhealthy, but YUMMY food! Stingray, oyster egg, carrot cake, chicken wings and satay!

Not forgetting chendol, red ruby and ice jelly for dessert! All 5 of us were bloating from the sinful dinner after that la! Hahaha...

* xuan * listened
@ |4/18/2006 01:06:00 AM|
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Nobody Said It's Going To Be EasyThis is one sentence I really hate to hear, but well, the truth hurts, and the truth gotta be accepted... although I wish it could be easier.
Having a chat with YY over msn did me good I guess... cos she knew me since sec 1, she knows how I tink, she knows my attitude towards stuff and she knows how stubborn and spoilt I can be towards certain issues. But she did make sense on one pt which made me see the light and finally accept certain things better. Nothing is perfect, there will always be things u wish is something else, or would be better or different, but things are usually not what we wished or hoped for... and all we can do is to make do with it. I may think in a certain way but I cant make others think the same way as me... otherwise wun it be lyk a dictatorship kinda thing? Or communism? Haha... But well, it's a good thing YY pointed it out to me, because I'd always been a very stubborn person, whom would always want my way and my way only. I can still remember the time in sec sch whereby I inisisted on watching this movie while some others wanted to watch another movie and I stubbornly insist I'm watching my movie whether they like it or not, and that even if all of them want to watch the other movie I'm still watching mine. In the end all of them had to follow me to watch my desired movie. Sounds lyk a spoilt brat hor?
Maybe it's time for me to act like an adult and grow out of my sheltered adolescent thinking. I should stop being such an egocentric person and start to take other pple's opinion into account.
Well... what to do... nobody said it's going to be easy... but thanks for assuring me that you will always be there.
* xuan * listened
@ |4/15/2006 11:26:00 PM|
I Went To Church Today!Amazing topic rite, coming from me? Ok actually I went to support Ho Ho's cos she's involved in her church's Good Friday performance. Truthfully I really really din want to go, I was so dreading it that I was taking my own sweet time to dress up I ended up late to meet Tan Tan and Rion and we had to take a cab down. But then again, I know that I have to go cos firstly, I already promised my Elang mates, namely Tan and Rion, and also Ho who would be singing in the play. And secondly, my dear uncle expressed a little disapproval today over lunch because he feels that one should "be there, done that", before passing any judgement on any issue concerned (in this case, Christianity). So to appease him, and to show him that I'd been there, done that, I went on with the play lor.
Conclusion? What changed is that at least now I can see it from their pt of view, like why are they so passionate about the religion. What did not change is that I still cant relate to what they believe in. Maybe you can call it no affinity with the religion or something like that, but at least now I can understand why they believe in what they believe in, just that I dun believe in it la. Everyone believes in what they believe in, u respect my religion, I respect ur religion, everyone lives happily ever after, correct? Maybe. Anyway I talked to my dear uncle abt it alr, he's glad I at least went thro it once, and then finally he agrees on a closure on this issue. YAY!!! No more talk on this! (hopefully)
Anyway this is a foto we took after the play,

That's me, Ho-Ho, Ah-Tan, and Rion.
And if you're wondering why the hell am I calling my frens such funny terms instead of their proper names, that's cos Ho and Tan are both a Cheryl, so to differentiate them we started calling them by their surnames. Hahaha... thanks goodness I have a unique name or else pple would be calling me Fong, or Ah-Fong!?!
* xuan * listened
@ |4/15/2006 12:18:00 AM|
Monday, April 10, 2006
Bad Monday...Monday is seriously the worst day of the week. Not juz cos of Monday blues... but simply cos it's just not a good day. Met PZ today for KTV, cos she will be busy for the rest of the week or something liddat. Anw we usually go KTV on Tues la... so this was an exception. And then what happened was that my voice totally cannot make it today, and out duets are far from being perfect. This SUX! It's super irritating to go KTV when your voice is not on form!
Ok nvm... still got after-KTV activities rem? It comes in a package... KTV first, then Man Tou. Ya apparently I'm sitting in PZ's living room now blogging... because my darling Man Tou is sleeping in his room! First time it happened to me k?? I'd been to her place so many times and everytime he's awake to play with me... but not this time! He's happily sleeping in his room now behind locked doors. Man Tou!!!
Monday SUX, Monday SUX, Monday SUX!!!
* xuan * listened
@ |4/10/2006 04:25:00 PM|
Friday, April 07, 2006
Sick Morning!Ok this is going to be a damn disgusting post... I'm still shuddering frm what just happened. I'm in sch now, spending quality time wif my best fren (my laptop) at the bench beside LT10 front door. Ok the reason why I'm not at my usual haunt at AS3 is because even though my dad dropped me in sch super duper early today, arnd 7.30am, my fav bench is occupied! So pissed...
Anw back to that bench beside LT10. I was surfing happily on my laptop for lyk half an hr, and although I feel my leg being a bit itchy, I din really bother abt it. Then after a while I just used my other leg to so-called scratch my other leg, and I hear a slight thud sound. I look down, and I see this small shell on the floor. About a meter away from it I see another shell-like creature... and it's moving! Meaning for the past half an hr I had a snail crawling up my leg!!! That's super duper sick la! Then I looked arnd me there another one at the other end of the floor below the bench! And suddenly I feel lyk I'm in some horror movie, u noe the kind whereby the city is suddenly infested with mice or spiders or weird creatures, that appear everywhere arnd you, beside ur bed, outside ur window, in ur car etc etc. I felt lyk I was surrounded by snails! Shit I feel lyk puking now!
Dammit! What a bad start for a day!
* xuan * listened
@ |4/07/2006 08:19:00 AM|
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Who Can Win The Queen Pig?
Yes... I'm the self-proclaimed Queen Pig. The invincible Queen Pig. I just finished all my group reports, individual assignments and mid-sem tests today, but I still do not feel the urge to start studying for the final exams. My first paper is on the 21st Apr, abt 2 weeks away... and yet now all I can think of is sleep sleep and more sleep. I dun understand how pple can stay awake for the whole day, how can they find the energy to stay up all the way to do stuff? How come they have so many things to do?? The answer is very simple, cos they are not pigs. Hahaha!!!
But I'm becoming less of a Queen Pig now... cos for some reason I'm losing my appetite. I no longer can clean up the entire portion of whatever food given to me, nowadays I would always end up wasting at least a quarter of the food on the plate, AND feel lyk vomitting cos I'm too full from the three-quarter I took in. What's wrong with me?? I wan to continue to hold onto the title of Queen Pig! Nvm I think it should just be a phase... maybe now that reports ended my appetite will be regained.
Shit... I need sleep again...
* xuan * listened
@ |4/06/2006 11:18:00 PM|
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Walking Past Cedar Again...It was a very nice experience... walking past Cedar for the first time after so many years. I seriously cant remember the last time I went back to visit... afterall, my favourite teachers are no longer teaching there, everyone there are so much younger than me... but that place brings back wonderful memories nonetheless.
Today I walked the familiar streets leading in to Cedar, the same path my dad used to drive the car through when sending me to school. Everything was the same, except they added this bus-stop lookalike thing in the middle of a pathway, beside a letter box. The old folks' home beside the school is still there... I could still remember the one time I had to go there to do my CIP. I remember the side gate in which my dad parked at one day when I was late for school again, the one I silently sneaked through amidst the chaos after flag raising and everyone's moving back to class. I can still remember the entire Cedar school song now, without missing any word of the lyrics.
The sports hall still looked the same... I remember the times when we had to train there. I prefer the badminton courts at Cedar campared to AJ anytime man. There's this familiar aura about the place, this sense of belonging to the place everytime we set up the courts, till when we end our training. I remember we would have to walk to the sports hall area to get the stands and nets eveytime we train in the MPH instead. And then a few of us would be needed to lift the stupid heavy stands up around 3-4 steps to the MPH.
I remember walking the same path out to take the bus out to the IBS... taking either 100, 135 or 155. And the next stop would be infested with stupid Marist boys who would come up and stink the entire bus. And at the IBS I would wait for either 82 or 85 to go all the way home. Ok that was after I moved. Before I moved to Sengkang I would take bus the other direction to Aljunied or Paya Lebar... I would go to the library there with YY & Gwen everytime we end school. And Gwen & I would make fun of YY by throwing all the romance novels at her cos she was so into them at that time. Then we would watch the Mr Bean series at the library together... haha! Sometimes when I take the train home wif Ning I would take all the way to her Tampines before taking the other train back to my Bedok. Sigh... those were the days so long time ago.
Today when I walked past Cedar, the memories just flooded back into my head. Although so many things have changed... the same teachers are no longer there, the same students are all gone, the hawker centre outside Cedar has changed... the roti prata stall has been gone, so has the famous carrot cake stall YY introduced us to. I just found out that now even the bus 82 has been removed from the IBS. So many things have changed, but the fact that I'm a Cedarian at heart will never ever be changed.
And so is the (stupid) fact that Cedarians always end up with Marists.
* xuan * listened
@ |4/02/2006 11:20:00 PM|
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Happy 21st Bday Jerry!Went for my JC classmate Jerry's bday party yesterday. The turn-out was quite bad, especially from the girls, cos the entire bunch of his sec sch girl frens all last min back out. See... in the end it's the AJ girls that keeps our promise and turn up... altho it did get a bit boring after a while. In fact Jo & Cryst got so comfortable nua-ing on Cryst's bed that they really felt like not going, then Jo saw that I was pouting my lips in silence... then they were like, "okok...
we understand. We'll go we'll go ok?" Hahaha...

That's the 3 of us... forever so onz when it comes to attending parties. Actually it's not that we're so enthusiastic abt parties... but it's more of like cos we've already given our word, then somemore it's those kinda parties where food has already been catered... not very good to not turn up.

That's the bday boy being captured at the bottom of the all the rest. What could they be doing to him? I wondered too...

He totally cant move! Hahaha...

Anw that's what they were trying to do. Lock him up at the ankles so that he have no choice but to do their bidding in order to be freed. Guys are so lame when it comes to such things... dun see any fun in it at all leh... haha!

And for ALL my frens who keep pestering me for this, here's a clearer pic of me and my dear uncle. Happy?

The few JC classmates who turned up for the party. Happy 21st to Jerry again! =)
Anw to PZ, so sorry I cant turn up for ur celebration today... well ya, told u the reason on the fone juz now alr... hehe, glad u understand! I'll see u in sch next wk k? Then can give u a proper happy bday hug! Haha...
* xuan * listened
@ |4/01/2006 11:33:00 PM|